My physical system has gone #BERSERKO. So, I'm currently #FORTIFYING with #GOODSTUFF #YEP ❤

hollyirenecardoza's picture

My physical system has gone BERSERKO. I couldn't even do the Ladies Night Open Mic (a co-ed event) the other night, and I'm not sure that's ever occurred before, actually. I've always showed-up to my "shows." I've also had to stop working for the moment at The Shambhala Center because I can't be moving around much and it's very hard for me to help people & answer their questions when my body is like this. Anyway, it's been coming in waves for a while now. Sometimes I've been fine & able to do stuff, and then.....just no. SO, I'm currently fortifying my system with good stuff, and there's more good stuff to come. ‪#‎YEP‬! ❤
