Nancy Detweiler: The Truth Will Be Hard To Hear

Lia's picture


(Those Who Reveal Truth to Us Are Not the Culprits)

Allen: Nancy was Stephen Cook’s fascinating guest on The Light Agenda a few weeks back on 29 August. You can hear their conversation here:

By Nancy B. Detweiler M. Ed, M.Div – September 29, 2012


Within the next few weeks, Earth humans will be shocked to learn just many lies we have been told—lies that have been deliberately perpetuated, some for thousands of years.

As Gaia, the great being whose physical body we call Planet Earth, moves toward her Ascension, all that is of a negative nature will be brought forth and released so that healing can occur.  A spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical wound cannot heal until the venom within it is released.

The Divine Plan for Gaia and her inhabitants is for all to ascend together.  In order for this evolutionary leap to occur, all negativity must be brought into the open, forgiven,  and released.  This renders inevitable the opening of many Pandora boxes, the bringing forth of unresolved grief, and the arising of painful memories that we have sought to repress.

We Earth humans believe we know the truth of what happened in and during our lives.   Sadly, we know only the lies we have been told.  Behind the world in which we think we live exists a very different world—a sinister world characterized by manipulation, false flag events, mind control, and often torture and/or death to any who attempt to reveal the truth to the people.  The goal of this behind the store front world has been total control of this planet and its people.  It has mattered not how many people are killed or starved/tortured to death.  There is no compassion in this world.

Governments and religions have been used to pit one group against another, creating tensions that have frequently erupted into violence and hatred.  Wars are used as the solution to all problems, with false flag events created to stimulate enough fear and hatred of the designated scapegoat, i.e. enemy, to get young people to sacrifice themselves in war.  The same persons will be found to have financed both sides of a war.  Religions proclaim themselves to be a good thing, but the amount of bloodshed running through every religious history tells another story.

The lists of crimes against the people of this planet is long.  Now, in 2012, we are to learn the truth regarding these crimes.  What we must remember is that we know only what we have been taught.  We may know bits of truth or we may know nothing of truth.  Either way, our initial reaction is likely to be shock, denial, and refusal to believe that we have allowed ourselves to be so severely and completely manipulated.

We must remember that those who reveal the truth to us are not the culprits.  The behind the scenes world has a history of killing those who attempt to reveal the truth.  We, as Earth humans, need to listen … to ponder … to discern for ourselves who brings truth and who doesn’t.  Regardless of the pain involved, we need to allow truth to come forth so all can be healed.

A very important fact to keep in mind is that we do not—at this point in time—know who are the good guys and who belong to the behind the scenes world.  We are very likely to have included in our list of respected people some who truly do not deserve our respect.  Hearing the truth can create disillusionment and the feeling that we do not know who to believe.

On a much more difficult note, we may resist, even hate, the very people who are truly here to assist our planet in moving forward to ascension.  As mentioned above, national storefront leaders do not necessarily hold the reins of power.  Much can be done in their name that does not represent their true desires.  As a result, the people can be taught to hate them with no real basis to do so and the actual culprits continue their sabotage.

The truth will be hard to hear and we may tend to response as people have for thousands of years—by refusing to listen.

However, the stakes are higher now!

We are only months away from an evolutionary opportunity that can propel us into a much higher level of consciousness—if we so choose.  But first, the old must pass away and the old includes learning the truth about Earth humans’ history on this planet.

There is a Divine Plan and it is in the process of unfolding.  There are people on our planet who are here to assist.  Some are presently in leadership roles; some are not.

Earth humans—at this moment—do not know for certain those persons who are here in fulfillment of the Divine Plan.  This and many more truths will be revealed to us in the coming weeks.

I encourage all of us to listen with open, unbiased minds.  We will be shocked, surprised, and saddened; but above all, let’s not attack those who attempt to reveal truth to us.  Instead, let’s support and help them in whatever way we can!




leggo the ego

Legalize Freedom's picture

This presumes a lot of things that are as I see it going to unfold differently, things ivnolving the collective ego of the average person. 
First, if announcements of this sort come from an ET presence, this creates a sense of shock, awe, wonder, and the Galactics as they were have all the tools needed to raise our consciouness to assemble at a poin tof higher understanding, wisdom, compassion, love, or joy. There can be a callibration of holy spirit/zero point so that each person is able to be still but a moment and experience bliss, or love, or joy, I do not know the details I have only heard it said this way by one who claims to work closely with those involved in this unfolding.

Second, a good tool for liberating people out of their past so they can learn without prejudice is cannabis. I feel strongly the legalization of cannabis is a good transition into the entire big picture story, false flags and the like. Maybe you are oblivious to the story or already know it, but hemp produces clean burning gas, paper, and is a cure for cancer as well as repairs the DNA. In short everything wrong with the world can be presented to americans in one interesting story "President Obama Legalizes Marijuana" because it lets him tell the story of corruption suppressing what heals, which leads to ALL THE STORIES BEING TOLD , 

but it gives people a plant , and yes we lightworkers meditate or etc each day, we are not so much in need of the plant, but it may be the first time the average person ever had alpha brainwaves in their lives, if they were compassionately guided on how to use a vaporizer, rather than smoking, as an example


this is not needed, it is more powerful for ships to just show up and set the higher energies, but this article we read assumes our ego will stay in the consciousness it is at right now, there are a lot of solutions to that problem, i've listed 2. 

Very Timely.... Thank You

Josephine's picture


This msg comes with no surprise really, as having followed many liberated news feeds it stands to reason now that there will be much confusion as to who are the bringers of the truth, which path to follow, as I have become, not disenchanted, but needing to pull away and be even more discerning and selective with reading and using my power of observation take in what resonates with me fully.  And getting on with the mindful intention comfortably that all will transpire at the right time, being prepared for surprises and some rocky terrrain ahead.... and trusting this too shall pass and the vision becomes resplendant in reality.


This is an indepth look at some history that certainly would not go astray here for most to understand the extent of the manipulation....


And overall I feel the new International Common Law Court of Justice has to be acknowledged now for its step up to charging the powers that be with their respective crimes against Humanity....

The list of summonsed heads is rather interesting to say the least....


Happy Ascension all...Blessings