Natalie Glasson ~ Love And Blessing Are Bestowed On You In Celebration Of 12/12/12

Lia's picture

  11 December 2012

May your day be filled with many beautiful Creator realisations and an abundance of Creator love.

At this sacred moment of ascension it is your personal experience of ascension that is mostimportant and valuable to you. Your experiences of the 12/12/12 energies as they anchor into your being and the Earth and activate from within you are unique and  personal to you. We can sharewith you what is occurring but it is  your experience of the energy that is most precious and that will remain with you always. So do not be fearful of allowing yourself to  fully commit toexperiencing and accepting the energies, allowing for  beautiful realisations to unfold. Allow allexpectations to fall  away and let yourself BE in the energies.

There are no rules, nothing that you should or shouldn’t do, just allow yourself to enjoy as the veils of illusions dissolves and truth unfold from within your being.

We wish you the most blissful day,

With love,

The Sacred School of Om Na, Natalie and all the beings who have channelled their energy and consciousness to date.

Below is a message from Natalie
