Love Reporter Natalie Glasson
Mother Earth’s Message by Lady Quan Yin
2012 January 16
Mother Earth’s Message by Lady Quan Yin
January 15, 2012
My grace and love is expressed to you bountifully from every vibration that combines and creates my being. I am Lady Quan Yin, I step forward as a voice for the feminine vibration of the Creator’s heart holding power, gentleness and tenderness. It is my mission to step forward to you today to share some important wisdom and to be of service at this most sacred time.
I say to you that love is coming, love is present already and eternally but it is the manifestation and humanity’s realisation of love that is coming. With each and every day that you continue to exist on the Earth you are enhancing the vibration of love. Love at this very moment ought to occupy your mind, taking up more space and multiple thoughts which grow and strengthen in power with each day. We are not asking you to move mountains, to sacrifice yourself in the name of love or the name of the Creator, we are simple asking you to fill yourselfwith love.
Do you respect your body enough to allow it to vibrate as love? Do you honour your soul enough to develop your focus even further than before, making sure that more of your thoughts are concentrated on love?
From the core of Mother Earth love is rising like bubbles into the Earth’s soil. At this very moment love is rising into the atmosphere. It is a new movement that is occurring on the Earth. The newspapers and news channels will not cover this shift in the Earth’s activity but it is news to be aware of. We have not seen such bubbles of love rising up through the soil of the Earth for so many lifetimes upon the Earth.
It is a great and wondrous manifestation that symbolises that love is beginning to manifest. These love bubbles are manifesting through the soil of the Earth which represents that love is transforming into a more solid vibration and energy. Over the next few months the love bubbles will continue to flow and you can allow yourself to be open to this sacred love. There is a need to simply connect your heart with Mother Earth and ask for the love to flow into your being.
Ask your body and auric field to absorb the loving energy flowing through the soil into your atmosphere. This is occurring all over the world, quietly and silently love is manifesting. Let yourself benefit from the loving energies melting into the physical vibration and dimension, it is only the beginning of the manifestation of love. The transition of moving from 2011 to 2012 allowed humanity as a whole to leave behind much karmic energies and so a greater openness is being experienced. The Earth in itself has experienced a new liberation from blockages and is able to filter the love from Mother Earth into the atmosphere and realities of humanity.
As the love bubbles are forming and rising through and into the Earth every person on the Earth is receiving a divine awakening. Mother Earth cannot make it any clearer to you all as to your purpose and mission upon this Earth at this very moment. Mother Earth is existing in peace and joy, opening her heart chakra and allowing pure love to flow. This love is the love given by humanity to Mother Earth over thousands of years. Mother Earth doesn’t want you to stop sending your energy of love and healing to her but she opens her heart expansively and gives back to humanity, expressing more than ever before.
Her message to you all is to be at peace and in joy at this time, to allow your own heart chakras to open expansively. Give to yourself and to the world all the love that has been given to you by your family and guides upon the inner planes over your many lifetimes. All the love that has been given to you in the past, you do not have to hold it within you any longer, but simply let it flow.
Mother Earth wishes you to know that life, meaning the vibration of your being and your experiences, doesn’t need to be intense or difficult. You can exist in the energy of love allowing all to be well. Mother Earth wishes you to know that by opening your heart chakra more than you have previously allowed yourself, will act as your protection, your guiding light and your alignment with everything. She wishes for many of you to increase your sensitivity to the Earth. This is why she is asking you and making you aware of absorbing the love bubbles flowing from her heart chakra.
If each person on the Earth can feel a greater attunement with Mother Earth then natural disasters and dramatic natural shifts will become situations of the past. If people are sensitive to Mother Earth they can begin to move with her, absorbing any stress or stain from energetic shifts into their own being to be dispersed of easily or naturally dispersing the climax of energetic shifts through meditation and practices focused upon instructing consciousness.
This is a very important and sacred message appearing from Mother Earth, she no longer wishes to work alone but as one with humanity, now is the time to build the oneness that each soul wishes to experience.
When we think of oneness, a united consciousness or a integration of energy we often believe this to be a heavenly state completely aligned to the Creator. Often oneness is associated with mixing oneself with the Creator while mixing oneself with the Earth seems less likely to produce oneness. I wish to say to you that uniting your energy with Mother Earth will allow you to understanding your energy and reality clearer than ever before.
The Creator is with you always, united within the energy of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is an Earth representative of the Creator, you are habitants of the Earth, you will unite on a deeper level with the Creator if you first merge your energies and work as one with Mother Earth, becoming the essence of Mother Earth in your physical body. It is Mother Earth who will take the reins to lead humanity in the Earth’s transitions over the next few months and in the future.
Earth is changing dramatically energetically and Mother Earth needs your assistance in anchoring energies through you while also sharing energies to be released, expressed or dispersed through your creative being. As you work more closely with Mother Earth you will be able to bring through the will of the Creator which manifests from Mother Earth into your own reality and the combined reality of humanity.
I also wish to share with you that at this time when love is bubbling softly and gentle into the soil of the Earth this may cause an emotional release within many. It is appropriate that an emotional release takes place because many souls have waited for this period upon the Earth where they can reveal their truth, walking a new pathway which leads to the soul, to love, joy and the Creator. Reaching this point signifies a great achievement, many people may experience an emotional release in gratitude, to clear any old energies away or simply may feel that through their release they are opening up the energies of humanity.
This emotional release will signify an awakening and opening up. I remember that being in a physical incantation when one cries, afterwards they feel so much clearer and cleaner in their mind, body and soul. Some may feel a similar emotional release while others may become aware of their emotions being heighted or the need for removing emotions. All of this is perfectly appropriate at this time of your evolution ad necessary to affirm that clear and beautifully loving pathway that is forming before you.
Be aware of your emotions at this time, with the ability of knowing whether they are from you or whether you are achieving a process of release for the Earth. I wish to share with you an invocation that will allow me to work with your emotions, supporting you at this time of growth.
‘Lady Quan Yin, I ask for your grace, joy and love to wrap around my being connecting our hearts as one. Lady Quan Yin, please work with my energetic systems and auric field to remove or disperse all unneeded emotions whether they grow from my experiences or whether I am releasing them on behalf of Mother Earth. Let a light of a soft blue, pink and mauve colour move through my being aiding me in mastering my emotions, letting each emotion emerge from the pure love within my being. Lady Quan Yin please assist me as is appropriate and guided by the will of the Creator. Magnify my love and in rerun I wish to assist in magnifying your loving vibration, so that we may merge and exist in love simultaneously. Let it be so.’ Another to assist the release of humanity’s emotions from the Earth,
‘Lady Quan Yin, I ask for you to work with Mother Earth to assist in dispersing any emotions that need to be released or removed from the Earth’s energetic network and systems at this time to aid evolution. I ask my monad and my soul to work with Mother Earth and Lady Quan Yin to support this process of dispersing stagnant or climaxing emotions, bathing all and the world in love. Thank you.’
Mother Earth’s message is extremely important at this time
Focus upon love as much as possible, focus on building the love vibration within your being. Focus upon opening your heart chakra more expansively with each and every day.
Absorb and accept the love bubbles now flowing through the soil and solid foundations of the Earth.
Align your heart chakra to Mother Earth and offer to be of service to Mother Earth.
Concentrate on creating a oneness with Mother Earth so that you also hold Mother Earth’s essence within your being.
Hold the intention and focus of becoming sensitive to the needs and energy shifts of Mother Earth so that you may be of assistance and support in any energetic shifts that may take place in the present and future.
I have created an invocation to assist and support you in achieving the requests of Mother Earth,
‘Beloved Mother Earth, I address you as my equal, as my united energy and a perfect aspect of my being. We are one, united in the energy of the Creator at this present moment. I honour, respect and love you, I thank you for your constant support and the love that you have always provided.
I am here to love you, I open my heart expansively and encapsulate the very essence of Mother Earth within my being. I align our heart chakras as one asking Lady Quan Yin and the Creator to cleanse our heart chakras, magnifying the love that we hold especially when we are united as one.
I promise to you, my soul and the Creator to ensure that each thought that I create is a loving thought. I promise to anchor the love of the Creator into my being radiating it with enthusiasm and joy. I honour of my own existence on the Earth, I ask to be constantly aligned to the love that you are expressing through your ever expanding heart. Mother Earth I wish to work with you, let me become more sensitive to your needs, let me become more aware of your guidance so that I may support you in your mission upon the Earth. I am here as your companion, Mother Earth, my love is yours eternally. Let healing and love manifest with ease and perfection between us and for the entire world. Thank you.’
Mother Earth’s heart chakra is opening more fully because humanity is now ready to open their heart chakras with greater expansiveness.
In 2012 let love be your power, let love be the power of the Earth.
Mother Earth’s reminder of love comes to all with the acknowledgment that from 12-12-12 the Creator will magnify your being. Around the 21st December 2012 this magnification will climax, allowing all that you are to be magnified. Now is the time to realise what you wish the Creator to magnify, settling it within your being and reality. The 21st December 2012 will bring a more complete magnification allowing each person to walk forward in love upon the Earth if this is their choice.
I am here as your loving sister and spiritual mother,
In love always, peace is yours,
I am Lady Quan Yin
Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light Weekly Channelled Message