Love Reporter Nathatlie Glasson – Manifestation Thread – Butterfly Moon – 23 January 2012
It is a great privilege for me to step forward to you today, I am Butterfly Moon, communicator on behalf of the Fairy Kingdom. It is my greatest wish to share my energy with you, for it is jewelled with multicoloured light from my travels throughout the universe of the Creator and the beauty that is the fairy kingdom’s love.
Our loving energy is very similar to that of the angelic beings as we hold a love that is selfless and tender. It is in our nature and character to be compassionate and to care with kindness and gentleness but we also have a tremendous vibration of courageous love, a love which is powerful and bold. As fairies we have our own understanding of the Creator’s universe and we devote ourselves to this understanding with every moment of our manifestation.
You could say that we manifest as the power of love because our love is placed into physical action upon the Earth. Each moment we are loving a plant, animal or person, we nurture each with our love. When working with a plant we are visibly able to see our influence as the plant grows in height or multiplies in size. When working with animals our love merges with the animal’s soul, assisting the animal in achieving its divine purpose upon the Earth.
When working with humans our love energy still remains powerful but humans have greater freewill and so our energy can only support the focuses of the human. It is important as this time to realise that when I say power I am not speaking of control over another, more a strength of integration. Our love is powerful in the sense that it is able to merge easily to manifest many outcomes.
With the Era of Love dawning within us all, we, the fairies have recognised that our own loving energy has magnified tremendously, we are blissfully content and excited in the greater expression of our love which we perceive as our essence. This magnification allows us to be of greater influence in terms of healing and nurturing Mother Earth and awakening humanity more fully to the presence of Mother Earth’s existence.
Your own loving energy holds greater strength enhancing your manifestation skills tremendously. We wish to share with you that this period upon the Earth allows for many of the dreams of your soul to become physically present upon the Earth.
For much time humanity has been reliant on the Earth, working as one with the energy of the Earth to aid manifestation that cultivated all that was needed to exist upon the Earth. Working with the Earth to grow plants to feed the human body saw a respect for Mother Earth that allowed the energy of Mother Earth to work in harmony with humans.
Meaning that humanity could take on the energy of Mother Earth into their own energy field to merge with their soul’s energy. The energies of Mother Earth are more sacred and valuable than many realise. If you knew what you were standing upon, viewing the beauty of Mother Earth’s treasure I believe you would be both amazed that you had not realised and dismayed how humanity has neglected Mother Earth.
Mother Earth has a powerful energy within her soul that allows her to exist as a physical living being, as the Earth, this energy aids manifestation. It is akin to a magical potion that creates anything by allowing light to become physical. Each person upon the Earth holds this energy of manifestation within their being, it is the energy that is fuelling and creating your physical body at this very moment and is building your reality around you.
The manifestation energy within each human and living physical being as wellas Mother Earth is ever present and to some extent continuously flowing. Many people can stunt or stagnate the flow of their manifestation energy, a natural aspect of their soul’s energy and their complete vibration, due to past experiences of karmic implications when manifesting.
If we imagine that energy is fibrous and so the manifestation energy would be a thread within the many fibres of the energy, we will therefore name the manifestation energy the manifestation thread of light naturally existing within all. The manifestation thread becomes a tool that is in constant use but that many are unaware of.
Mother Earth’s manifestation thread is much larger and more powerful than an individual person’s manifestation thread and so when people use to work respectfully with the Earth to supply much needed produces for living, Mother Earth would activate their own manifestation thread by sending the energy of her manifestation thread into their beings. Thus a person’s manifestation skills would develop holding greater power.
We, fairies, also align our energies with Mother Earth to maintain and magnify our own energy of manifestation, so that we are able to work on a deeper level with the nature kingdom to aid the materialisation of the will of the Creator. Humanity has always been asked to align their energy with Mother Earth and even those who are unaware have held within them a knowledge that Mother Earth must be respected or that it is healthy to walk amongst nature. Deep within most people have always known that in order to maintain their reality upon the Earth they must align their energies with Mother Earth to activate, replenish and magnify their manifestation thread.
In order to manifest the Era of Love upon the Earth there is a need for humanity to connect with Mother Earth more fully to magnify their manifestation thread and therefore manifest love upon the Earth. Aligning or connecting with Mother Earth isn’t as simple as sending a rod of light from your heart or root chakra at the base of your spine into the Earth.
This is of course of great assistance and can act as a first step to true connection with Mother Earth but there is a need for a respect and love for Mother Earth. Working at one with Mother Earth can be sending energy to the heart of Mother Earth. It is your selfless actions for Mother Earth, your protection and preservation of Mother Earth whether you choose to achieve this on a physically or energetically.
I order to truly manifest humanity needs to allow for the amplification of their own manifestation thread to merge with Mother Earth’s manifestation thread resulting in humanity and Mother Earth working as one upon the Earth thus manifesting a new era.
Many would say that in order to manifest love upon the Earth a connection with the heavens, ascended masters and angels is needed, this is true and essential to inspire your vibration to heighten andyour soul to emerge, it is akin to a glimpse of home, but the angels and ascended masters do not hold the same manifestation thread. Mother Earth’s manifestation thread is identical but larger than that of humanity’s so the connection, integration and cooperation is essential.
We are aware that everything will be magnified upon the Earth from 12-12-12, climaxing on 21-12-12. We, fairies, are now placing tremendous importance upon manifestation in order to bring everything, especially within the nature kingdoms, in order and aligned with the will of the Creator for this wonderful occasion. The purpose of my communication with you today was to encourage you to achieve the same, to allow for your manifestation thread to activate and to bring your entire being into order and alignment with the will of the Creator and your soul.
Therefore you will be ready for the magnification process. Many people at this time are feeling confused and believed that everything would change as they entered into 2012. Everything is changing but must be fuelled by your own determination, intuition, vibrant light, cleansing and manifestation. Now is a period which is for cleansing, purifying and releasing the old. Now is a time to realise your soul’s true desires upon the Earth bringing them into fruition.
With the realisation of your manifestation thread you can acknowledge that you are capable of manifestation and creating your thoughts, intentions and desires. The respect, love and integration given and with Mother Earth allows for a purification of your own energy and that of Mother Earth’s energy. It can work to erase humanity’s karmic energies created by harm caused to Mother Earth.
When many people worked alongside Mother Earth they produced much from the Earth to support their existence, they were manifesting with Mother Earth, now this connection has been lost for many people and so needs to be rekindled whether it is with a simple walk or meditation in nature. There will come a time when humanity will not need the physical existence of Mother Earth to aid their existence but will be able to provided food with the process of focus combined with light.
Until this time there is a process of growth that humanity must develop through to gain greater understanding of and oneness with themselves, the Earth and the Creator.
The bubbles of love which were spoken of in last week’s channelling continue to flow from Mother Earth, I believe that at this time it is appropriate to call these bubbles of love into your being asking them to activate the energy of love within your being and your manifestation thread.
With the activation of your energy of love and your manifestation thread I wish for you to imagine that either inyour heart or your hands that you create a large bubble which combines your energy of love and manifestation. Allow yourself to feel, acknowledge or become aware of this larger bubble of love and manifestation.
Then allow yourself to place in this bubble of love and manifestation combined all your loving thoughts of Mother Earth, your devotion to Mother Earth, intention for a greater connection and integration with Mother Earth as well as your love and your desire to work as one with Mother Earth. Place everything that is blissfully loving into your love and manifestation bubble.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you send this bubble of love and manifestation energy guided by your own personal angels, giving it to the heart centre of Mother Earth. Everything that you place in the bubble will manifest and support Mother Earth.
It is important to realise that this is the equivalent of working with the soil of Mother Earth and sewing seed, you are taking care of Mother Earth and building your respect and partnership. It is therefore important that you do not use this tool to manifest experiences, objects or situation for your own reality.
With this simple practice you will be supporting Mother Earth and dissolving karmic energies as well as practicing and magnifying your manifestation ability. Like a muscle become stronger with exercise so your manifestation thread will increase its power with practice. You will then become aware of your manifestation energy within your being holding the ability to radiate the energy while focusing upon your soul’s desired outcome in your reality.
A new connection with Mother Earth will build that allows her support to act as a loving foundation to your spiritual growth.
I wish to return to share the wisdom of the fairies but for now I extend my deepest of love and channel the love of the fairies into your being.
I am Butterfly Moon, Communicator for the Fairies
Channeled by Nathalie Glasson news letter 22 Jan. 2012

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, We Love you!! We Ask You, Are YOU In? Love Chooses You! Please share with your Brothers and Sisters, That We are Here, and Love "Has" All of Humanity and Everyone is Coming Home Into The Light, all they have to simply do is Choose Love and they Are FREE. We Are Here for Humanity's Graduation Celebration. Love Mother and Father God, The Company of Heaven, and the First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra