Nationwide campaign to be launched against G4S

Rain's picture

PressTV - 9/18/12

Human rights activists are to start a broad campaign against the highly controversial security company G4S, as the firm is taking over more control of Britain’s public services despite various fiascoes surrounding it.

Human rights activists are to launch a campaign against the private security company G4S.

Human rights activists are to launch a campaign against the private security company G4S.
Anti-privatization and anti-deportation activists along with Palestine campaigners, community legal advice services and unions are expected to support the campaign, seeking to “damage the G4S brand” that is involved in diverse human rights abuses around the world.

Boycott Israel Network, Corporate Watch, No Borders UK, Newcastle and Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop Deportations and South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group are among the campaigns which have endorsed the Stop G4S launch conference, planned to take place in Sheffield on October 6, 2012.

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