Netherlands Crop Formation ‘The “Human” Butterfly?
Introducing Ben Arion
There are many sources of channeled material that supports this writers faith and beliefs that the most beautiful event will arrive on or towards the end of 2012 and one of the most noted and detailed is Ben Arion.
The following are quotes from his site of one such channeling with timely information with full permission to share others with links included with totality;
The media only shows us a fraction of the truth of what is happening on Earth. One who seeks answers will have to find them on their own. The truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. Our planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up to a higher frequency and that concerns everyone that lives on her.
You will work together with the Federation Teams here on Earth, in all sorts of areas, depending on your passions. Some examples could be:
New architecture that benefits nature and humanity.
Opening a healing or meditation center.
Supporting the animals.
Supporting people that need shelter and food through the various “Federation Technologies” that will be available to all.
Cleaning Planet Earth’s seas, oceans and skies from pollution.
Again, this information is said to be very near by Ben Arion- a fascinating message!
“You will also be able to travel around the world effortlessly, in shuttle crafts, the sense of Freedom will be enormous, and it will take a while to Adapt. There will also be centers, like “ambassador” centers, where people can “interact” with beings from various worlds like Sirius, Andromeda, Pleiades and many others. There will be a lot of Education going on, through various methods, such as “holographic light technology”. So you will learn what is happening and Why. No one will be left behind and all will get their answers.
More info from this Ben Arion’s source:
From my point of view, this is how we will be introduced to the Galactic Federation.
· Changes in Economic Systems, a temporary transition system, because we wont need money. It’s more beneficial to share and exchange services with each other in pure love and harmony.
· Media will slowly announce their presence in stages. This has been done already, one example is “The disclosure project with Steven Greer”, and many others. Millions of people have been working on bringing forth the “Energy of first Contact”, you are one of them. It will just be more “Headline News” than before, instead of covering it up.
· Massive “Flyovers” by the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command Fleets all over the world, that no one can Dismiss. People will be able to Film and photograph these sightings of crafts with great detail, and be able to share it on the Internet, where it will spread like wildfire.
Through Diversity We Find Unity
The Cosmic Civilizations are a “higher version” or expression of ours in tune with the Divine Energies. Cosmic people have unique energy signatures just as we do, a so called personality, which emanates through their heart. It will feel effortless to communicate and be with our fellow brothers and sisters, and there will be a lot of laughing and a lot of curiosity.
They have nothing to hide, they simply emanate their Unique Aura and personality for everyone to see and feel. They are masters at being themselves.
It is also Expanding for them to meet us. We are a reflection of them, and They are a reflection of us. Meeting a being from another world, could be like meeting a stranger on a street you’ve talked to for a short moment, but didn’t know.
We chose to “incarnate” into this density and “limited” reality to Change it from within, and many of the Federation and Ashtar Command have always “had an Loving Eye on us”. They highly respect us for our choice to come here and Support Earth and humanity in this transition. So we are them!
We could not Force these changes from the outside, we invited the Higher energies, due to our Intent, by being here on Earth incarnated and grounding the Cosmic Energies, that is why the Federation can come into this World, because we have “integrated” Light-Awareness into this Reality. If no “volunteers” would have come here to raise the consciousness, this type of “Contact” would not be possible.
We came to earth and choose to forget everything and slowly we started to remember who we were in this process. We slowly raised the collective consciousness to a higher Awareness. So this has been a “long term” partnership, we invited the Federation to come here. It is not an accident.
So people who see “First Contact” as interfering, have forgotten that people from many Star Systems, Universes and Dimensions have been here for Thousands of years working towards this event.
We will actually take the wisdom of being on Earth with us forever, and Share that with other civilizations. We will also support other Newly awakened civilizations in the Universe with their Ascension, just as the Galactic Federation has done with us, and will do unto others. It is natural to support each other through all levels of creation.
We will actually Have a Huge diversity on Earth in this shift, because beings from many systems, will be a part of first contact. We will be presented to those who are most “human like” at first, and then the Cat-like beings, the lion beings, and so on, and what we call reptilians, because all are not dwelling in darkness. We can’t judge anyone by their appearance, it’s the heart that matters.
We will Find Unity Through Diversity in this contact. Being One isn’t about being the Same. It’s about sharing and honoring the “uniqueness within everyone” as they are. There are a lot of planetary “Ceremonies” in different civilizations, that is a part of their so called “culture”. We will also build out own WAY OF LIVING here on Earth. The Galactic Federation is here for support, not to Take over our “Duties”.
Enjoy the simple things in life, that you may not experience again, because, soon things will not be the same any more. Our reality will change. I have only touched the “surface” of what will come and be possible, but this gives you a certain idea of the energies we will be introduced to.
You may wonder when Contact will happen?
This is not a “waiting game”. Do we choose to wait or do we choose to BE WHAT WE WANT TO EXPERIENCE, right here and right now? There is nothing to wait for. We are in the midst of it.
“Official Contact” is not just ONE event, it’s an “unfolding” sequence. It is happening right now, it will step up and be more and more obvious. It’s about being confident and knowing that what we seek is within our Hearts.” (Channeled by Ben Arion)
We, as Human Beings, must wake up to the Truth of our Beauty, Power and Potential! Believe me, the Power Elite has known for a very, very long time.
“Man Was Never Meant to Live Like This”…a direct quote from a spiritual channeling.
Channeling Via Montague Keen
“As your oppressors seek new ways to keep you under control, remember this: the simple-minded will believe anything placed before them but the wise look well into everything before accepting it. As people awaken, fewer can be conned into accepting without question all that governments demand. A beautiful New Dawn is approaching, bringing with it truth and light, removing all the confusion of the past. Our plans are taking shape as we proceed with confidence towards our goal. All that you had accepted as truth must be discarded. When the real truth is placed before you, it will be a time of rejoicing and celebrating, as all restrictions are removed and the human race comes together as One. The energy that has been shut off from you will flow freely. Everything on Earth will be re-energised. The sun in all its glory will enter the minds and spirits of all and peace will reign. You have waited a long time for this. It has taken longer than anticipated but we are on the cusp of this massive Transition.” (a channeling exerpt from Montague Keen)
Channeling Via Sheldan Nidle
“Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We return, dear Souls, with news of what our various associates are accomplishing worldwide. The preliminary requirements for funding the St. Germaine global Trust are completed! We expect this disbursement momentarily. We have also asked if the steps to legally remove several governments are finished, and the reply was in the affirmative. As a result we are liaising with the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation to firm up a date for disclosure. The galactics, as per previous agreements, have positioned a number of ships to back up the governmental transitions, and the accompanying arrest procedures are being reviewed by the law enforcement agencies in these governments. The time has come for the long-anticipated first domino. Let this sacred moment deliver all that we have been patiently working toward.” (This is aChanneling from Sheldan Nidle (dated Jan 3, 2012)
Channeling via Mike Quinsey
Already you approach the end of the month, and many of you will realize that time is still speeding up. It is a strange experience for you, and means it will feel as if there is insufficient time to get all of your work done. There will also be odd symptoms to deal with that arise from your bodily changes, including emotional ups and downs. They should however be short lived particularly for those of you who are already aware of what to expect. Tiredness will probably catch up with many of you, and adequate rest is very important if you are to function normally. You may also have noticed how your taste in various things has also changed, and if you ponder the reason you may well find that you are attracted to food, music, literature and so forth that satisfies your higher vibrations. When they were lower it did not matter, but you are now seeking all that is more refined and pure. (Channeling via Mike Quinsey…1-20-12)
Channeling Via Matthew
4. Therefore, neither the masses nor the analysts have the proper knowledge to assess what is to come, much less the scope and speed of changes, as this unprecedented era in the universe continues to unfold. They don’t know what you know: At the end of this magical year 2012, Earth will be at the threshold of fourth density, where nothing with the low vibrations of darkness can enter.
8. It is Earth’s destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year, and by then no one with a dark mind and heart will be left on the planet. That may seem unduly harsh, as if some arbitrary judgment process simply will eliminate them, and that is not so. There are persons who have amassed fortunes dishonestly, achieved power ruthlessly, and consistently have refused the light constantly available to them, and both their souls and their bodies will “pay the price,” you could say. (Excerpt from Matthew…1-4-12)
Still another source is giving their information free to all along with a free download of another version of “No 2012 Fear! Paradise is Near!”
“As we begin 2012, I am enthused about how our individual and collective consciousness and actions impact those around us. It takes courage to face the future with certainty, especially as we move into this year – a year that many cultures have deemed the end of existence – we are challenged to ask big questions.
But according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, this time is one that contains a large window for ushering in a new world – the world of paradise.
Studying Kabbalah is one of the most powerful tools available today for creating this transformation. It won’t be easy, but we have to do the work and see it through; ultimately when we create personal change, we change the world.
That’s why I’m sending you a free book, 2012 and Beyond. The pdf format that’s attached readily allows you to share it with people in your life.
Thanks for all you’ve given me this year. Together let’s bring in 2012 with a positive consciousness where spirituality is the strategic advantage.”
May God Bless us All!