Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning

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As we make a conscious effort to integrate unconditional love, unconditional happiness, with right action, we express our physiology in a way that stimulates brain growth creating new neural pathways that contribute to proper and increased brain functioning while at the same time strengthening and redirecting existing neural connections. The brains ability to change, strengthen, and create new connections is know as neuroplastisity. It's ability to grow new neurons is known as neurogenises. We can also look at how our genes are expressed throughout the body and see that one who experiences the timeless, unconditional love, etc will turn on favorable genes while turning off ones that promote disease and malfunction.  This is also known as epigenetics. We can also take a look at the enzymes that control the biological aging of the ends of our chromosomes and see how we favorably anti-age during this process of metabolizing the infinite.  These enzymes are know as Telomerase, and the biological aging part of our chromosomes are known as Telomurs. It has been established in the Yale University Journal for Conflict Resolution, along with many other Scientific Publications as a Scientific Fact, that people who gather together with the intention to stimulate a deep feeling of peace within, in this specific case using Transcendental Meditation, will turn off malfunction and disharmonious behaviors and stimulate an abundance of health and harmony in the local community needing only the square root of one percent of a population for statistical effects to take place. This became known as the Maharishi Effect and is reflected in the Meissner Effect in other physical and living systems. This can all be related to the double-slit experiment, the measurement problem, and state-vector reduction in Quantum Physics, namely multiple realities exist at the same time in a singularity of infinite possibility until we make an observation, it is then “reduced down” into a specific actualized event. This base state singularity can be liken unto an E8 geometrical model of particle physics. So when we hold the feelings of love and peace unconditionally solely because of a personal choice to feel and be that way despite any conditions, we pull from the reality that holds all possibilities, a reality primed for healthy proper functioning and is filled with the dream of what we would prefer to bare witness to and experience. We can allow this to take place by feeling internally that we have the love and peace that would result from all of the health, wealth, and abundance we can imagine without being attached to the vision or specifics that may accompany the feeling of unconditional love and peace. The feelings of unconditional love and peace are the culmination of all that will ever be, giving the gift of proper physiological expression coupled with having local non-local effects on the living human organism as a whole unified being. So when someone ask you why feel good for no reason, why feel happy for no reason, why feel love for no reason, why feel relief for no reason? We can say that the feelings of unconditional happiness, unconditional love and internal peace have a Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning! Positive Psychology has found that personal mastery or a life of engagement and flow, and more importantly, a life that is meaningful to the whole of humanity are the most effective ways to increase life satisfaction. With this paper we can now take the inspiration to master the practice of feeling unconditional love, happiness, and peace all the while being of up-most benefit to our community as a whole. Altruistic Self-Mastery!


Love Peace and Harmony

Joshewa Aaron Terziu
