~ Galactic Love Reporter Carol Watson ~
15 December 2011
Written and shared with you by Carol Watson, from Eden…..burgh, Scotland, UK. Carol is a Spiritual Writer and Teacher. (Melchizedek Method, Sekhem & ISIS Initiate/Teacher). Carol also likes to say she is also like everyone else that has come from nothing and been unseen, unheard and unacknowledged all there lives too. Is it not “The MEEK who shall inherit the (NEW) Earth……” as foretold in the Bible? This is the time for those meek souls to rise and be seen be heard. To be truly listened to now, from the heart. It’s time! So speak up, speak out and tell your story and give of yourself now more than ever. Do it with confidence! Inspire yourself and inspire others! Carol hopes these new revelations will uplift and inspire. Maybe motivate each of you, who are unaware of these recent findings. It may help keep you going!
Something is very much in the air right now…………can you feel it? It is the new bubbling consciousness of our new world – Numis ‘Om.
Hasn’t the consciousness revolution truly awoken the dormant sleeping masses at long last, from the ‘Twilight Zone’ slumber they’ve been in? Maybe! I hope so! About time right? It certainly would be perfect divine time…. yes? Just as the big screens have been showing the movie “10:10” all about NOW time and how precious it is to be in it to survive. The Movie Moguls have caught the wind of the collective sails and things are propelling at record speed now in the imagination of every soul alive today in one way or another. The vast populus are being stimulated awake through the Entertainment Industry particularly through the Big Movie Screens right now. Agreed?
The Divine ‘Super-Infinite-mind’ of Great Spirit has been tapped into like never before and people are coming alive again to themselves. The latest movie is called “Another Earth” and just out December 2011. I will talk about that in a bit my friend, as well as the Artificial Intelligence World of Computer Animated Interactive Games - to do with the New Earth, and the surprising, jaw-dropping new revelations I have just discovered from the Scientific Community regarding a BRAND NEW WORLD - or as you’ll read, many possible new worlds. Bear with me for a minute or two though, as first I wish to recall with you some events that got you and I to this Great point in time.
Besides the Biblical Prophecies of 2,000 years, also other prophesies begin to fulfil themselves, or are close one being from the Hopi Indians of Arizona, USA. There is a sacred site where a rock with the fine artwork on it, which depicts a completion time of Five Worlds. This time will happen and a new world will rise when final purification takes place on Earth and when humanity choose to enter this new nautral world with respect and reverence. So my friend it would appear that at least these two prophesies are about to fulfil themselves.
A limited number of sacred beings began to feel the pulse to awake from slumber nearly 25 years ago. These we know as the first wave light workers. This cosmic awakening began to fully take hold in a real and tangible sense back in 1987 when the ‘consciousness revolution’ was truly born in modern times. That familiar cosmic trigger or wake up call fired for many of the ‘First Wavers’ - when the Harmonic Convergence and planetary alignment outside and within them/us began. It was the real catalyst towards un-parallelled rapid change for each of us, individually and for our beloved world. The new Teachers. The New Christ’s and Mary’s, the Melchizedek Masters were brought back to life within some of you! The New World Teachers and Way Showers were awoken.
Wave upon wave of people waking up has rippled through these last years. We’ve be prodded each day of each week of each month of each year since 1987 and we have undertaken mammoth challenges to reach this point today 15 December 2011. Agreed my friend? Yes….off course you do! All of our inner and outer senses have changed as we battled our inner demons courageously thanking them for the lessons learned from them and making true peace with ourselves at long last. If your not quite there yet, you will be soon. Keep the faith my lovely friend. Yes many of us have indeed made peace with each realm and dimension of ourselves, all the soul fragments of our being brought home and all karma resolved. This has not been for the mild hearted. What a challenge and for some of you, you are still in the soup of it. It will let up. There is an end point and a resolution time. Keep with it and don’t give up trusting in the process. Even though some spiritual writers say the process is an illusion and we can stop it whenever we want. I have to disagree with them and there thinking. We came here with baggage and we have to go through the clearing in order to be fine tuned diamond beings, so I’m saying it is a necessary process and your body will support you, as it shows you what needs to change.
We’ve crossed the threshold in linear time of the End Time -28 October 2011 and are now in Quantum Time finalising the last pieces of the world matrix. Healing, clearing and loving the old paradigm as we shimmy and wobble our NEW SELVES, families, and off course the concept of our NEW WORLD more fully into place.
The Bible tells of the New Eden to come and all prophecies are fulfilling themselves one after the other for sure. Channels and Spiritual Intuitive’s have been telling you for years about the New World that is coming, so this is not new news. However, you have to own it. Feel it, Accept it and Love it, to make it real in your reality and ground and anchor Numis ‘Om into your heart.
Some Spiritual friends who write beautiful inspiring pieces have shared that they have experienced this new world in their dream-state. They described how they felt and how tangible and beautiful it really really was.
I myself have experienced Numis ‘Om in the waking state that was an unforgettable experience. I could hear the song by Steve Harley and the Cockney Rebels “Come Up and See Me Make Me Smile!” go round in my head as I literally felt like I was Mr Soft……….Walking on Thin Air. I perceived it. I felt its vibrancy and champagne fizz. It’s lightness and brightness. I know it will become a stronger reality. A living reality the more I am open and loving to it. Because it is ME. I have full awareness of birthing it, just as my twin aspect of my soul – my sister Lorraine did. It is part of you too, if you allow it to be. Imagine holding old Earth in one hand and Numis ‘Om in the other and feel it. It is real.
OK….so let’s get down to talking about other large segments, or groups of humanity besides us Light Workers, Healers and Way Showers. Let’s talk about other Family members that are beginning to fully wake up to the possibility of a new EARTH!!!!!
Yes ……..there are those that have chosen to interact with a new world alright, but one that comes through the computer generated arena. The world of the Artificial Intelligence. Even some Spiritual Teachers out there have chosen this path instead of embracing the physical NEW Earth. They have chosen to submerge themselves in the illusion of a computer reality. The False Maya! Here they become animated characters – Avatars of this Illusionary World and make it there real living reality. Games are out there today that offer you a path into there New World if you chose to submerge into it. Do you know a son or daughter or partner that has lost themselves, as they choose to enter the machine. The experience machine of the artificial kingdom? Nozick’s 1972 “Experience Machine” is the computers of today. Philosophers and students have studied the concept of a plugged in hedonistic pleasure satisfying experience machine for many years. I just studied it recently in my Philosophy Class at College for my Higher. The conclusion has been reached (perhaps you will disagree?), that no amount of pleasure from any sort of machine would be traded for a real life. A life full of limitless, potential, possibilities.
Nowadays you may know or be aware of many young boys (and girls), who are drawn in to the ‘suction box or “EXPERIENCE MACHINE.” Yes………..? Do you know any one plugged in? Could it be a fair comment to say it just may be part of our personal responsibility to haul our partners, nephews, sons and daughters out of it. We are here to experience all the sensory, wonderful experiences of this new physical reality. To take part in it fully, wholly and completely, not just by sitting glued to a monitor. Would you agree my friend?
In the past there have been TV series in the US called “Earth 2” which ran 1994-1995 and a Comic Book in 1961 called “Earth Two,” again this came from the US published by “DC Comics,” which was in a way also pre-preparing the youth of that time – e.g. myself. I am a 1962 baby for what was to come.
Ok so on to another powerhouse industry that is making one enormous world impact and that is the wealthy Entertainment Moguls Industry. The world players who bring light or darkness to the big screens around the world in order to inspire or terrify us. This industry is rich and dominant and all-powerful, as they capture the attention of millions upon millions of people and take them into there fantasy worlds. Sure there have been the scare mongering movies recently about Apocalypse and in January 2012 another fear matrix programming movie is due for release about Worlds Colliding. However there have been movies that are truly fantastic movies such as James Cameron’s incredible Avatar. Remember it? Then the new movie out this year “10:10” all about ‘Time’ and how being in the PRESENT is the only way to survive these times. The movie I want to share with you is just out. It is called “ANOTHER EARTH” – like it? The title sent shivers down my spine! It got me really excited.
The Synopsis is about a carbon copy Earth that rides up next to our old Earth and the connection a woman has to it. It is based on this year 2011 and the message screams out loud and clear. It says forget about the snow, the rain, the sleet and the world depression. Forget about waiting on the cosmological redemptive event to occur………because wollop, bang, kichang, not one event is upon us - but two come along at once. The new world will be such a gobstopper and cosmic shocker it’ll happen in a blink of an eye and everything will be changed.
Does any of these metaphors or symbolisms make sense? I think so!!!
So the world is going to be exposed to the concept of a new world in one almighty way again on the back of Avatar. It will have an impact. Go see it if you can. I have still to watch it myself, but I am excited to go do that.
Now for the jaw-dropper of all jaw-droppers. The mind is going to go kichang, wollop, bang, corrrrblllllimeyyyyyy WHAT??!!! Yes my friend it will! OK Carol tell me…………….let’s be hearing it I hear you say!
On September 2011 the BBC (British Broadcasting Authority), in the UK announced NASA has found a planet orbiting 2 suns that could sustain human life!!!
Again on 6 December 2011………YES days ago NASA’s Scientific Community…... Yes, those analytical hard evidence, observable evidence - kind of ‘cold-minded’ people in white coats (well maybe not in white coats and sure they’re not all cold), published some incredible findings. Want to hear them???? Course you do yes?
Ok here goes…………….back in March 2009 NASA’S Kepler Observatory launched their Kepler Spacecraft and its telescope to go PLANET HUNTING. To hunt for alien habitable planets in what the call the “Goldilocks Zone”. My God they were more successful than you could possibly ever believe in a million years. On 6 December 2011 Hot Off The Presses NEWS from NASA confirm that they have found a habitable planet known as “KEPLER-22B”. This planet which is 600 light years away is 2.4 times the size of our planet and has an average temperature of 22 degrees Celsius or 72 degrees Farenheit. It is where liquid water and even life can flourish. This planet has a sun like ours also, which is essential for life to exist. Oceans, continents, perfect atmospheric conditions and possibly even creatures live here. So how about this news then my friend!!!…Tremendous eye opening, jaw dropping news yes, if you don’t already know about it?
Referring back to the movie just out “Another Earth” and them saying that when you are expecting one thing cosmic to happen, two come along and smack you between the eyes. Well the thing is - NASA have discovered not one but 2,326 other planets. (Some to be confirmed). 139 of them potentially habitable too!!! Yes that’s right your not seeing things. 139 potentially habitable planets!!!
The number one candidate, even better than Kepler -22b is KOI 255.01. This planet has a mass of 8.54 x our planet and a surface temperature of 29.9C. It is a warm superterran habitable planet, again with a sun-star. At least another 4 other candidates have been explored and all have the qualities and weather that are good conditions, even desirable for human life to be sustained and grow.
So not one carbon copy Earth has been proven to exist but many. So it appears that Science can conceive of a new world, a habitable world, as we emmerce ourselves more fully into our re-birthed Earth –Numis ‘Om.
Change is on the way as all sorts of industries and organisations acknowledge a new world exists……………….can you feel the excitement build as we each anchor this concept more fully into our awareness. Time to watch and see what is on the horizon. Is our Universe actually swarming with Earth-Like World’s? Is fact not stranger than fiction at times? Is NUMIS ‘OM our new second world not plausible? Could you actually be living in it NOW but have just not fully embraced and accepted it? Is this not our predicted EDEN? You decide my friend. It’s all in your head and in your heart and ultimately in your HANDS. Do you want to accept it that is the question!
Goddess love, light, respect and blessings to YOU who are my family. Love is the key and love truly is the way to open the door and enter our new reality.