New Earth Revolution: Cosmic weather report #8

Lia's picture



The Big Event!
This is Lord Ashtar speaking from the Light of the Most Radiant One. I want to share this message with you because we are almost ready for 'The Big Event', and now no more delay on the way. All preparations have been done and the critical mass of consciousness has been reached. The public opinion about their governments is all time low and a lot of people don't want to be part of the situation anymore: war, so-called-crisis and other created realities.

What steps do you have to take? You just have to be patient and prepared. Because what for us is a Big Event, will for many be destruction. Everything they believed in will fall into pieces and they will be in a constant state of panic. At the same time a lot of people start celebrating without being aware of what this is really about: raising consciousness and Oness. Both sides need your help and love.

For your personal life this will change a lot. It's possible that you have to move from your house and family and start from scratch on. It is also possible that you have to travel to one of our ships to finish your enlightenment process: on a spiritual as well on a physical level. Because although the critical mass has been reached, not yet everyone is fully prepared!

So this is it for this Precious Moment. Trust and allow the Light to come, Be in! Adonai!

Lord Ashtar (Gallactic Federation)

Channeling by SanLeoSol



d'tewa's picture

Just a few minutes ago, I saw something that I've never seen before, except on t.v., 2 vans just went down my street that had very large blow horns on the top with large writing on the side that said "Jesus Says Repent".  So many things are coming up in synch pointing to a different life, and a different reality.  The religious sect has now taken to the streets, not so much by door to door as they have done in the past, but now by vans with speakers on them blaring out their words. 

Just let me say, before I stop here, this is not a typical thing.  I do not live in the city.  I live on the outer sub burbs of a rural area.  So seeing these vans was definitely an eye-opener!


Love and Light,


Love and Light, d'tewa

Synchronicity = a memo from Creator Source

TheFlashRon's picture

I'll bet that before 2012 you never even heard of synchronicity. It's an indicator of the mystical, the unexplainable, the Divine. These are memos from God, or Creator Source that remind us that we are eternal beings of Light and to be in peace. When we raise our awareness / vibrations through embodying these reminders we achieve a state of grace, of equanimity. The whole world can be falling apart right before our eyes and we notice with compassion but do not become part of the drama. From that perspective we become empowered to be most effective healers, rebuilders, helpers, teachers, whatever we came here to do. Everyone who is aware enough to be on this or many other sites like this one is here for a very special reason. No one can do your part in the Divine Plan better than you.

You will not fail in your mission.
