The New Energy and the old energy ~ Shattering the Myths

Lia's picture


-by John McIntosh



Humanity and the planet are Now in the 5th dimension …


those who are Awake to this Know this beyond any doubt.


The old energy may be seen as the 3rd and 4th dimensions of time and space, which ‘is’ the realm of separation and limitation and as such - an illusion. 


The old energy was the playground of God in which It could experience It Self in complete ‘unconscious’ Awareness of WHO It IS. To reach the deepest and darkest aspects of possibilities and experience them fully, could only done in this way.


The SHIFT, which has occurred into what may be referred to as The Heaven of Now – the timeless state where there is ‘no’ history … only the Moment, has so far registered in Conscious Awareness in only a very small portion of humanity. However, all of humanity can sense profound changes taking place on the planet and in their personal lives and bodies but are unaware of the ‘cause’. This has increased fear in many, which is drawing them inward … the only place where Truth [Peace] can be found. 


What applied to the old energy no longer applies in the New Energy. Concepts such as karma, reincarnation, forgiveness, healing, the law of attraction and beyond all of these ‘sacred cows’ the idea that God is somehow ‘outside’ WHO you Are … have dissolved.


Karma, what some refer to as the law of cause and effect can only exist within the realm of time and space where past and future hold meaning. In the timeless state of the New Energy, past and future do not exist and therefore karma ceases to have meaning. This is what is referred to as ‘stepping off the wheel of Karma’ and does not take hundreds of lifetimes and millions of years as many have taught [in many cases to ‘control’ their followers]. It really IS that Simple.


Forgiveness was a beautiful concept offered by our elder Brother Jesus and had its place within the entrenched belief in separation, limitation and history, which held sway for eons with the guilt, shame and blame that emanated from them.


Where there is ‘no’ past, there can be nothing to forgive.


This sounds almost too simplistic but can, in a way seem logical to the mind but it is not the ‘mind’ that Knows the Truth. It is the Heart-feelings that Knows Truth. This is the ‘individuation’ of God that is You – the I AM Presence … not God ‘in’ you, which is still a separation concept promoted by many belief systems, but God ‘as’ You. 


God IS One! This is not a metaphor. Everything you can sense and all that is unseen IS God – extended ‘from’ It Self ‘to’ It Self – unbroken – One … disguised as many … and unconscious [by choice] in many of its disguises.


This unConsciousness experience has Now ended and ALL will eventually Awaken to this Truth.


Nothing Real Can be Threatened. Nothing un-Real Exists!


These words, also spoken by our Brother Jesus recently in A Course in Miracles, point to ‘all’ that has a beginning and an ending as un-Real. The body/mind does have a beginning and an ending and as such is not Real and ‘is not’ Who You Are. 


You Are the I AM Presence – still sleeping in most cases. The body/mind are instruments for you as God to ‘taste’ experience but in order to be fully un-Conscious of this, was temporarily made the master of experience and as such an ‘identity’ of Who you believed you Are.


No matter how many bodies you occupy as God sleeping – the concept of reincarnation – the body/mind is still an illusion. Reincarnation therefore, is a very real concept, only insofar as it is ‘within’ an illusion, but is not Real in Truth. 


This can be your last venture into the illusion of time and space 
[if you so choose]


The concept of healing is perhaps even more common and pervasive than forgiveness since it touches into all layers of the illusion. From allopathic drugs and surgery to the naturopathic medicines, remedies, formulas and diets, and  further into the esoteric realm of long distance healing, color and sound therapies, reiki, qigong and a host of semi-solid ‘cures’ … the concept of healing has one foundation … that sickness [dis-ease] is Real.


This is not True!


Nevertheless, a concept [Intention] believed in with passion, becomes an experience. This does ‘not’ make it real. 


God is not and cannot be anything but Perfect and You Are God hiding, disguised within a body/mind and have believed all of humanity can be ‘sick’. Around this ‘accepted illusion’ [when an illusion is accepted it becomes a delusion] an entire universe of beliefs have also sprung up to somehow solve this inevitable problem.


Once again using Jesus as an example [without meaning to draw special attention to this Awakened One] … sickness was never ‘seen’ by Him. He saw only the Perfection of the God that stood [or lay] before Him. For those that Truly desired an end to that particular illusionary experience and 


‘believed’ in His ‘Knowing’


transformation [not healing or release], back to a condition more closely resembling Perfection [to the extent that the individual could accept Perfection] occurred spontaneously.


Nevertheless, the majority of humanity may still require ‘stepping stones’ to take the deeply entrenched beliefs from the rock solid stage to a more pliable state, which can be transformed back into Truth spontaneously. Various modalities ‘do’ have their place in this regard … it’s one illusion called healing being used to Awaken you from another illusion called sickness so that the Truth can be received by an open Heart – not an open mind … the split mind ego is never open.


This is what is occurring at a so called ‘speed’ far faster than most can currently conceive of. The balancing of the imbalanced Divine Masculine patriarchy by the Divine Feminine is happening at lightening speeds in every area of experience, recognized usually as decay, destruction or desolation. All must fall apart that does not ‘resonate’ with Truth in order for Balance to be restored. The level of suffering or non suffering each one experiences is in direct proportion to their level of acceptance or allowance of these shifts.


In the Awakened state [while still in a body] pain does occur


… but all suffering ceases


Regarding the so called Law of Attraction … it is not that it is somehow ‘wrong’ but that it ‘suggests’ separation. This is the insidious trick of the split mind ego to maintain its identity as Who you Are. If it can teach you a concept that subtly validates separation, its reign of glamour and illusion will continue.


Intention, when combined with Belief and Passion results in manifestation. This however is ‘not’ separation but extension. 


God does not ‘attract’ something outside It Self ‘to’ It Self. It chooses from an infinite menu of possibilities ‘of’ It Self and draws this choice into Its experience as an individuated Self – You
 – the I AM Presence you Are.


This is called Harmonic Resonance


The concept of ‘attraction’ subtly validates the concept of ‘separation’ and with each successful manifestation becomes more and more real to you. This is how the split mind ego manipulates Truth … small changes make for huge illusions


Awakening to full Awareness of the God you Are is simple – the split ego mind uses this [simplicity] as its final argument that it is not True.


By using this statement of Truth:


I AM – I AM That I AM – I Know


… regularly, with a sincere passion to be totally FREE, you will quickly experience every so called ‘block’ to this Awareness surfacing. When this occurs … often in the form of a mirror such as another person or circumstance … instead of running, distracting or sedating … EMBRACE the ‘issue’ as the God it IS in disguise and the I AM Presence will Transform (not heal or release) the issue back into Truth or Love.


Note: This IS Truly Loving Your Self … the split ego mind knows nothing about ‘self love’ or ‘loving unconditionally’ and does all it can to direct you away from True Love because that reveals it as the fraud it is. You must lose control [by the mind] to be FREE.


This simple statement and the Transformations that results, very quickly returns you to Full Awareness of the I AM Presence and the Freedom, Peace, Joy, Abundance and Love that you Are.


This IS your legacy and is NOW upon you to CHOOSE.
