By Love Reporter Predrag
Dearest Laura, David Wilcocks, Steve Beckow, James Martinez, Barack Obama, Benjamin Fulford, Ron Paul, David Icke, Regina Merdith, Max Keiser, Stacey Herbert, Keith Oberman, Mother~Father God, and many many other beings....
I am truly honored being part of our bright community of way showers who fully awoke in true path of Love....
Information’s, channeling’s, videos, films, writings’, new energies, new philosophies, new paradigms of viewing the existence, new learning process of repeating till remembering.... all these energies are integral and unison part of our present existence here on Mother Earth...
Observing reactions and commentaries from various public frontrunners such Laura, Steve, David I was truly happy seeing that we are still confused, yet quite determined not to get these differences in our opinions turn us against each other or to turn us against 'darkies'...
If we simply observe what was, how we lived without open reactions, or any reaction, how we have been totally ignorant and almost ill dormant, when government did this or that, that was contrary to our interests, our freedoms, our well beings... we can see that these reactions of these brave front runners are so welcomed in my heart...
These brave souls are here to challenge status quo, they are here to question any information and they found right place to look: They are looking in their hearts, asking no one in particularly... They are discerning what resonates with them, and they are not afraid to share it publicly...
What if we accept this very gentle and kind video from CMN and Regina with James Martinez as simple pre-announcement... or better, as mild testing process to see our reactions... and how we will deal with complete paradigm shift, and life changing knowledge that is at our door step...
What if we listen this without judgment, and simply open our heart and ask our Higher Self for help if still confused?...
What if this knowledge is true, yet it was brought on purpose so gently, simply not to stir too much of our emotions, but simply to give us a week or so to come up with our own idea how we will change situation we are all in?....
What if Laura's ending comments about Settufeut channeling are true, but only in her reality of worrying about our future, and not having full faith that all is as perfect as it should be?...
What if Steve is completely right by feeling that this is initial Nesara announcement, yet not fully realizing that Nesara is only a minute part of abundance that is coming on our Planet?...
What if David feels there is something much deeper than only on the surface 'A New Global Economic Restructuring' message, and David feels that this is simply another piece of the grand Devine puzzle for Gaia's Ascension with all of her inhabitants?...
What if David knows that 1 trillion lawsuit is only one part of full picture, and he feels that all this accumulated gold will be shared with all the nations, and with every single soul?...
What if 'darkies' start sharing all their accumulated wealth and power with all the people openly?...
What if corporations start sharing all the profits with every single employee who benefited to success of the company?...
What if banks return all illegally foreclosed houses and business, and banks return all interests illegally charged to rightful owners: to the people?...
What if pharmaceutical companies start giving biggest apology for all the abuse and forceful poisoning of wide population with harmful drugs?... and what if they disclose holistic medicine free of any charge provided by them to all who get ill using their medications?...
What if military of every country starts defending its own people from political corruption and financial terrorism?...
What if 'darkies' are integral part of this announcement as well as White Knights, White and Red Dragon societies, Jacuzas, Celestials, Angelic Realm, Galactic Federation of Light, Official Governments, Banks, you?...
Yes, you... You are integral part of this announcement, simply by being here on Earth in these times, knowing what you know, and want to know even more... You want to know it all...
Just this thirst for truth and knowledge is crucial in our development as species... as with these events we are jumping the grade from CH [common human...] to GH [Galactic Human...]...
So I see all of these wonderful beings who are at the front of the crowd, not being afraid for their earthly life’s... So I see you as most courageous parts of One, who removed the veil for self’s, and now showing rest of us the way how to do the same....
To me this would be only way, this would be the ONE path to true Oneness... Where all divisions, dualities and disputes simply transmute in one big Thing called Love...
There is no one way to Oneness, but many.... as many as 7 billion of ways...
My way to Oneness is one without judgment of anybody else's path... 'darkies' or white's... As soon we realize that only by simply balancing our 'dark' and light side within, we loose interest to judge others.... As by attempting to judge others we are going back in separation from this one we judged...
I am truly honored that I read lot of your messages, and I bow to you dearest James, Regina, Max, Steve, Laura, David, David, Benjamin, Stacey, Father~Mother God....
You are our light of truth, you are our spring of knowledge, and it is up to US to drink from it... you are our frontrunners who faced all your fears and transmuted them in pure love of One...
This beautiful video 'A New Global Economic Restructuring' is full truth... and it is a Myth... it is a myth coming true....
Love you all, and I am honored to be in your presence....
I AM THAT I AM Predrag
i'm that i'm
Glee is what I felt when I read your words my brother! I wasn't quite sure what the word meant exactly, so I look it up and it means...
Love Is All
I am amazed that you are referencing David Wilcock as he has cleary stated this is a hoax.
Exactly, my dear [not verified] Guest...
There are truly only contradictions in our existence where we are going.... If you get my drift... Meaning, that for David it is hoax if does not comes from Him directly, and his judgment toward CMN and James Rodriguez only confirms that he [David...] still does not believe in what he is writing and stating...
Every event viewed from different angles gives quite a different light reflection, yet we could say that this announcement is hoax in one moment of time at one specific place of view, and in the same moment of this coexisting time viewed form deferent place of conciseness sounds like best ever truth ever heard...
We are now in between the fully conciseness beings and non awaken humanoid robots controlled by other opinions and directives.... Very soon we all will realize what this is about: that events will be true and false, good and bad, light and dark, look like destruction or cleansing... very soon we will know that the event has no meaning but our view on this same event is the 'guilty' one, one who we have to examine... examine your view but do not judge it...
Simply observer what is happening with your approach to certain situation and let it GO, let it unfold as it was planned.... yet you can see same situation as life disturbing, or you can see it as most profound lesson... .where even dark side only pointing to existence of white side... where every 'negative' deed producing in us fear, or simply directs us toward forgiveness for all souls involved...
So, dichotomy was very welcomed in my life, as I found this is the best and most profound path to self realization... this is a way toward self recognition where I realized that i am my own situation Creator, simply by having free choice to see it from different angle...
Now, my angle is fully from compassion, from forgives and from Love view... as we all deserve to see self in full godlike light... But again, it all depends on you... How you want to see self?...
With Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag
I am very released and with
I am very released and with out judgement.... what if it is the final days in playing the 3D human game ending like a chess between long therm friends
greetings monamo
rainbow connection
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!