New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind - Serial 1
Georgi Stankov, Copyright 2001 and 2012 |
Meanwhile, seven years have passed since I wrote the new Gnosis of the Universal Law. During this time the energy transformation of my body - the Light Body Process - progressed relentlessly and inexorably. The unbearable physical and psychological hardships that I had to endure during this time were so inhuman that they could hardly be a suitable material for a verbal presentation.
As mankind has no experience with this astral-energetic process that will significantly shape its future development, it will make too little sense at this moment to talk of the psycho-mental and somatic hurdles, which every incarnated personality has to overcome first, before he can be exempt from the restrictions of physical space and time and can reside as transliminal soul both in physical vessel on earth, and as a disembodied entity, as Ascended Master in the astral regions.
This process will begin with me, as I point out in my books again and again. By the transformation of my body into an astral light body, I will demonstrate the immortality of the soul and the incarnated personality and will eliminate forever from this world the idea of the finality of the biological death. The reason for this is that I am the first person to have discovered the Universal Law, and to have developed all present-day conventional, heterogeneous, extremely faulty sciences, which deny the above finding, into a consistent, logical-axiomatic, gnostic science of the entire human knowledge. As a consequence of this tremendous intellectual endeavour I had to refute all the basic ideas of science, philosophy, religion and everyday thinking or significantly modify them.
The new Pan-Theory of the Universal Law is primarily a theory of human thinking. By starting with the primordial concept of human consciousness, I show how man can structure his own thinking in a logical, axiomatic manner. In this way he will be able to encompass all the knowledge and experience he has collected as an incarnated personality into consistent, truthful categorical systems and to make them accessible to his fellow men in an impeccably structured written form.
To date, humans are not capable of presenting their fragmented knowledge, which they have gained in their history, in a linguistic form that is free of contradictions, paradoxes, antinomies and errors. As this human knowledge must be realized in one form or another in the 3d space-time, its material and intellectual products are rather imperfect, and carry within themselves the seeds of destruction.
This imperfection "of the lower world of physical forms, and “of becoming" (Neoplatonism) is a leitmotif of the whole of Western philosophy and finds its climax in the Leibnizian theodicee. From an energetic point of view, this is the physical condition of destructive interference. These phenomena are the basic theme of this book.
The New Gnosis is a further development of classical Greek philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, and particularly of Neoplatonismof Plotinus. For this reason I wrote in the past few years, in the short recovery periods, during which the pains of the light body process were eased a little bit, further books on Gnosticism and New Philosophy, which complement and complete the present elaboration on the foundations of human Gnosis. All my gnostic works build thus a complete collection of all philosophical and existential applications of the new Pan-Theory of the Universal Law with regard to our earthly existence (Being) and can be apprehended and appreciated only in their entirety.
When I wrote this book, I knew that, just like all my other gnostic philosophical works, it will have to stay unpublished for many years in my drawer, because the time was not yet ripe for its publication. I leave it to the reader's imagination to envision what sacrifice it meant for me to know that I have accomplished the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, and to have at the same time voluntarily withdrawn myself from the scene, keeping under wraps all my knowledge about the future consequences of this achievement for many years, in order not to endanger the plan of the astral worlds - the introduction of the evolutionary leap of mankind, whose messenger I am chosen to be on earth. I subordinated my free will to the imperative of the causal worlds and became the famous "Lamb of God". I freed myself from all earthly fears and reservations that characterize life on this planet and significantly deform it.
Meanwhile, the global economic crisis I have predicted and explained ten years ago has commenced since July 2007 in a final and irrevocable manner. Since early 2008, it progresses visibly and inexorably for all people. Therefore, there will be no more breathing pauses, as they have been observed as a temporary, illusory recovery in the years 2003-2006.
At the same time I find myself in the last, most intense phase of the Light Body Process. This is a sure sign that my parousia - the phase transition of my biological body to astral light body - is imminent. This event, which I discuss in detail in this and my other gnostic books, will trigger the real world crisis and the actual evolutionary ascension of mankind.
This apocalypse, being already mentioned in the Bible, will be primarily a Revelation of the New Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law. I prove with them the leading role of the astral worlds - the 7F-creation levels - in the gestalting of earthly existence. Through my transformation into a multi-dimensional personality, I will demonstrate this fact in a concrete manner. This also marks the End Time of the clandestine existence of my apocryphal works, so that they can be now released for publication.