Lia's picture

By yarraman

Sun is Set - Vision at Dawn - site

OK, installations probably isn't the best descriptor I coulda found, but it was tricky figuring out what to call
this... ummm, our tool kits. Language is a whole lot less efficient these days. Stuff keeps on
happening that we simply don't have language for. I think things are only gonna get more and more complicated
in the language department. This period of still requiring language until we figure out telepathy is gonna be
interesting...but we will probably end up adding a whole buncha interesting new words.

Actually it probably wasn't even an installation in the first place. This new tool, or skill, or ability, was
probably always there, somewhere in that part of the brain humanity 'forgot' to turn on ages ago. Whatever, it
appears that it's turned on now, and it's a very nifty new skill...or whatever ya wanna call it. Just figured
this out last night and had myself a whole lotta fun playing around with it.

What to call it? Frequency tuner? Frequency dial? Frequency knob? I kinda like frequency tuner, we will go
with that. And what, you may ask is a frequency tuner? Well, that part's easy to explain. We've been given
a 'control panel'. A whole new ability to select what frequency we wish to resonate's the
really BIG DEAL...we can actually be in more than one frequency at the same time.

Remember a while back, when we were sorta bouncing between 3/4D and the higher frequencies? Well, I figured
out what that was all about...practice. Or maybe training wheels. That was a sorta confusing time, for me
at least. I never knew from one moment to the next when I was gonna float off into the higher Ds or when I was
gonna get bounced back into this material 'reality'. It was an interesting time, I gotta admit, but at the
same time a whole buncha us got a 'taste' for those higher D frequencies and many of us were calling on Scotty
to beam us up outta here. Those bounce backs into 3/4D were such a crushing disappointment we longed to just
STAY in the higher Ds and give this game a miss entirely. That ended after awhile. Not too sure exactly why,
but I think it's because we figured out our ability to shift frequencies. We learned to accept the bounce backs
as a reasonable price for dancing the dimensions. Sorta like once we figured out we COULD shift our frequencies
we quite enjoyed ourselves...and learned how to 'land' back in 3/4D more gracefully...without the feeling of
being 'slammed back' against our heart's wishes. Took it in stride, so to speak. But we didn't actually have
CONTROL over it. It mainly only happened in meditation or some other quiet mind state of being. Now that's all

We got those 'tuners' ummm...coming online maybe, lit up...I dunno know...activated. We no longer have to be
in any sorta quiet mind state these days. We can shift frequencies 'on the move'. Things that have always been
our greatest pleasures suddenly become 'channels' that we can tune into with ease, and 'on demand'. Sunrises
are good 'starting places'. Watching the sun rise in the morning has always been a special treasure, sorta
like waking up WITH the land around us. Everything starts to wake up and come to life. Birds welcome the new
day with their songs, all sorta life forms sorta 'lean toward' the sun, gathering life force for another day.
Everything feels new and fresh and filled with endless possibility. A very magical time, and now we are able,
consciously, to hop into that magical frequency and BE with the sunrise. It's not just sunrise either, there
are all sorta 'channels' now available for us to 'tune into'.

AND, as an added bonus, we can suddenly be in more than one frequency at a time. Here's what happened. I was
doing the 'quiet mind' bit, and enjoying flitting about in a much higher frequency, and mind kept 'butting in'.
I'd suddenly realize that I had 'switched' from D flitting back into thinking, and have to 'adjust my frequency'
back into the higher one. Did that a whole buncha times, until I finally realized I can actually have mind/
thinking going on WHILE in that higher frequency. Almost like a fine tune or something. I could actually take
mind into that higher frequency WITH me. Be in 'regular awareness' in them.. Sorta like you could 'walk around' in
the higher frequency and mind could stroll along with you and think about being in that frequency. THAT was new.
To me at least. In the past there was a sorta divide between thinking mind and ummm...heart soaring. I could
either be in mind or in heart space, but never at the same time. Now I can.

When that happens it's sorta like the heart part of you becomes the 'tour guide', showing mind around the higher
frequencies. Pretty amazing feeling actually. I did mention the other day that I felt like our heart space had
sorta 'spread itself out' through our whole being. This must be part of that process, cause suddenly you can be
in higher frequencies and the mind knows everything that's going on. IS part of what's going on. Sorta like some
invisible barrier...or perhaps just one of those limitations we agreed on to play here...just sorta 'went away'.
The 'bouncing' is well and truly over I guess.

How it felt was something like your very first visit to Disneyland, or some other magical sorta place. Mind
is like a big kid, ohhhing and ahhhing about this or that. Like a wide eyed child, you feel like ya gotta look
at everything really fast, just to 'take it all in'. All of a sudden mind gets to experience what had been,
up to now, a strictly 'heart zone'. Magic. Absolute magic. AND forty tons of fun.

Now, this is gonna be a stretch, but has anyone else noticed that this moon is much whiter than usual? Like
a pristine white? Snow fall kinda white? Clean sheets on the clothes line kinda white? Now, I can't be absolutely
certain one thing has anything to do with the other, but I've come to the conclusion over time that if it seems
something is connected, it probably is. I dunno if that means the moon has been turned up a notch, or if the moon
has 'shed' something and simply shines brighter than ever before. Or maybe it's just my perception of how the moon
looks. I dunno if there's any connection, but it seems interesting that these two things suddenly arrive at the
same time.

I fell asleep right in the middle of playing around with this new 'frequency tuner', and when I got up this morning
I wasn't sure I could still do that...take mind into a higher frequency...but I could. Started with the sunrise,
then just carried on after that. Everything has a new magical layer installed. Well, probably NOT installed.
Probably been there all the time, we were just 'restricted' and couldn't appreciate it with our limited 3/4D
consciousness. Now there's been some sorta 'expansion' or something, and that 'restriction' has been removed.
We can now choose a frequency, BE in that frequency, and take 3/4D awareness WITH US. How good is THAT?

If anyone tells you that 21 December was a 'dud', tell them I said hogwash. SOMETHING happened. Something magical
and wonderful. Something that enriches us in ways we are only now beginning to understand and work with. Good
ole Universe. Has all this stuff carefully planned out. Giving us our new tools gradually, so we don't freak out.
Spose it also gives some folks the option for 'non-participation'. I mean if you don't wanna play around in those
higher frequencies you could just ignore it, and it will probably disappear off your menu. NOT ME. I LIKE playing
in higher frequencies. My only goal now is to practice, practice, practice. I have a feeling there are a whole
buncha other frequencies out there that I can play in as soon as I increase my 'skill level' sufficiently.

How much fun is this gonna be? Imagine being able to walk around in your normal 3/4D life, but inside you're
dancing the Ds. This is gonna be amazing. Wonder what else is 'scheduled' to arrive for us next. Can't wait
to see. This is SO MUCH FUN.




Awesome Yarra. You have just

Desert Gypsy's picture

Awesome Yarra. You have just so eloquently :)  described what's been going on for me as well...Well done!  Lots of expansion, glowing heart chakra, merkaba spinning colors...Amazing fun...I feel so "in" my power these days...Can't wait to see what's next!

Hey...glad someone else has

cindyloucbp's picture

Hey...glad someone else has noticed just how very brightly the moon has been shining this week. The full moon tonight was dazzlingly bright! Could this be from additional energies bouncing off the moon from our Sun...or the Central Sun? Just a thought and I'd love to hear if anyone else has ideas about this phenom.


LOVE and Light...Cindyloucbp


New Installations Turning On....

Ra-Raela's picture

I've noticed that manifesting has become a whole lot easier. I'm having a lot of cleansing dreams. Btw, the reason the moon looks whiter, is because the sun looks much brighter and whiter as well. They've tried their best over here to keep the sky from being clear and blue, via cloudseeding. Couldn't keep us from seeing the moon, though. It had a huge ring around it, all night long. Very beautiful! I took the opportunity to charge my wand.

Love this post!

mtnpeace2's picture

I love this post.  It is such a great description of what I. too, am IS Magical!