~Galactic Love Reporter Denize Sarikoz~
Now that you arrive at the place where everything is real in a real way (NOW)…you must become more awake than before…watch your awakening like your flower is blooming slowly from that stillness…watch yourself watching yourself at a level that you never even noticed before…
Just to remind you!…you create everything and attract to you…so it would be very beneficial if you can ignore the lower vibrations, words, acts and resisting to hold on the old way of being…you would know that you will be very seduced to go back to being but not very enjoying it anymore…because your true essence is finally meeting with your lower self that has captured you for very long time (ego)…you would know the difference only because only you and your lower self know themselves on a elemental level…not of course through the cognitive mind but through your own feelings…NOW you are able to realize which one is your real self and the other lower self that you were as you looking at like someone else who are not very the same as you are NOW…see you are catching it already why you would you go back to having that lower self capturing you again…why would you even ask this question?…ok, let me tell you why…because you realize that it was all illusion that was making you feel like you are in a prison…but even that thought is funny to your real self…because your real self don’t even get what prison means on a feeling level…see the difference?…your lower self only keeping the thought but on a feeling level there is no such a thing…
So it would be very “smart” to keep your surrounding and keep your new raw true self to be treated like a new born baby…learning a new way of living (being out of drama and intentional pain creating cycle of living)…taking responsibility of your own actions therefore creation of your each day…any image or words that you see are affecting your level of consciousness to make your true self more at the driver seat then your lower self so you could create your own reality by choosing to hold a positive model in your life…so once you catch your awareness you would know what you need to fill back in…like you are taking the old energy out of your system to replace totally new energy to go and play much better and faster so to speak…
You have to take extra care of your each thoughts and what you are choosing as your reality…catch what you usually enjoy reading…why you like to watch or simple fill your day with…catch yourself when you purposely or not choose to make yourself feel bad by attacking or keeping yourself at guard like something about to happen…then catch your awareness again…see it like you are filling yourself with your being used to the drama as like you are stuffing yourself with that old energy that feels heavy but known…and RE-MIND yourself that you can choose to react anyway you want with your true self that you can fill your system with new and LIGHT energies that makes you FEEL so brand new…and positive full of LOVE & LIGHT…
take those baby steps…and choose your images right…anything you see and take as an information will be used by your mind and will create your reality…and catching your awareness will be your compass when you feel like you need to fill yourself with the heavy energies…you will know that you don’t need it anymore…its time to take responsibility and create the most joy that you deserve as your birthright ….full of LOVE & LIGHT….
Denize Sarikoz