New Zealand volcanoes : Mount Tongariro, Ruapehu and White Island (eruption) updates – November 23 updates (timelapse video)

Rain's picture

Source: Earthquake Report - 11/23/12
By Richard Wilson and Armand Vervaeck

We have created this special in-depth article for the activity of New Zealand volcanoes. This page will bring information on whatever interesting news of volcano activity. Just like we have worked in the El Hierro eruption, we have chosen for a continuing article with the most recent content on top of the article.
Best Webcams : White Island Crater Rim and White Island Crater (1 image every 30 minutes) – Mt Tongariro (1 image every 15 minutes). If you know about a better one, please inform us and we will include it here
Read also our archived parts of this activity report : (31/7 – 05/08)  – (06/08 – 07/08) -


Update Nov. 23 , 00:12 UTC  - Ruapehu volcano

Likelihood of eruption at Ruapehu still remains
Volcanic Alert remains at Level 1
Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow

Results from the analysis of the crater lake samples taken on Wednesday suggest that the level of activity at Ruapehu hasn’t changed since last week. There are still indications of volcanic unrest, and despite Ruapehu being quiet at the moment, an eruption could occur with little or no warning. The Aviation Colour Code remains at Yellow and the Volcanic Alert Level remains at 1. GNS Science continues to closely monitor Ruapehu.

Update Nov. 23 , 00:11 UTC  - Tongariro volcano

Eruption update: Activity still low at Tongariro
Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2
Aviation Colour Code changed to Yellow

Activity recorded at Tongariro remains at a low level. There is still a substantial amount of gas emitted but no ash. Gas smell may therefore be expected downwind from Tongariro. GNS Science lowered the Aviation Colour Code to Yellow from Orange due to the absence of ash being emitted from the volcano since the eruption. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at 2 and the volcano may erupt at any time with little or no warning. This morning, GNS Science installed some additional equipment at an existing monitoring site, 3 km north-west of the active crater. A “gas flight” is also planned as soon as possible when weather allows, with the intent of measuring the amount of gas coming out from the volcano. The Aviation Colour Code is now at Yellow. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at 2. GNS Science continues to closely monitor the situation.


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