News from Earth Allies: Bank Of America Returns Foreclosed Home To Dirma Rodriguez And Disabled Daughter

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Bank Of America Returns Foreclosed Home To Dirma Rodriguez And Disabled Daughter – 27 May 2012

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After being evicted from their house, with the help of the Occupy Movement they can stay! It has been shown the the Bank did not act according to "law"... another brick in the wall! 


There’s finally some good news for Dirma Rodriguez and her three children.

Rodriguez had reached out to Occupy Fights Foreclosures (OFF), a group that’s affiliated with Occupy LA, when she was being evicted. OFF says that Bank of America violated state laws when it made the foreclosure sale.

Earlier this month, OFF gathered outside the home of Raul Anaya, a regional Bank of America President, to protest Rodriguez’s foreclosure, the Pasadena Sun reported.

“I’ve been paying for this home by myself for 21 years, I’m a widow,” Rodriguez said at the time, according to the Sun. “I’m just asking that the executives of Bank of America touch their hearts.”

This isn’t the first time an Occupy organization has helped keep a homeowner from eviction. Earlier this year, Helen Bailey, a 78-year-old former civil rights activist in Nashville, faced eviction from JP Morgan Chase. Over 105,000 peoplesigned the petition on created by Occupy Nashville, and the bankreached an agreement with Bailey in February that will allow her to stay in her home. link to original article

