No More Separation

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Posted on August 15, 2016
The river was flowing fast this morning.

The river was flowing fast this morning.I found myself having a chuckle as I reread my last post. I spoke of calling in Archangel Michael. It truly is aspects of my greater self that I call in. There is no longer a separation between us and our guides/ascended masters/ angels. It feels now as if all were integrated as part of me. There is not the going outside, for answers. There aren’t really questions. Instead, there is the field of light that is available for us all to tap into. The ONE source, the All.

By surrendering to the wisdom and guidance of my greater self, life shifts. I know that I am so loved and cherished by my soul, my oversoul…..whatever term we want to give it. I know that from that broader perspective, the choices are more clearly seen. The pathway to my highest good is highlighted. As I allow my inner knowing to have free rein, then I can trust that all that enters my world, is of benefit to my growth and expansion.

This knowing allows a sense of peace to underlie my days. There may be the ups and downs of our human emotions as they are there to guide us. As we allow the feelings to be felt and flow through us, we are moved along our chosen path.

These grasses were showing me how to surrender to the currents of life. Bending not breaking.

These grasses were showing me how to surrender to the currents of life. Bending not breaking.

I love the way I love myself. I love how I chose the lessons and situations that I intended, whether I liked them at the time or not. I recall going through an abortion in my twenties, a devastating event for me at the time. Yet, even while I was in it, I knew that I would look back and know that it served me. That it offered me a gift. It did allow me to let go of much judgment of others and have compassion for folks in situations that I would have deemed wrong previously. That soul later came to me as my eldest son. Within the first moments of his birth, he conveyed to me the message that there was nothing to forgive, that all was as it should be. That we had loved one another since the beginning of time and had come at this time for a shared purpose.

I am often in awe of how lessons come to me, how much orchestration is involved in having different people and circumstances show up in order to teach me something. How amazing is that? How we are loved!

We are remembering that we are masters and creator beings. It is exciting to feel into the creations that await our touch. We are birthing the world that we wish our children and grandchildren to live in as we remember how to love.