We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. Much has taken place in the lower planes of your world lately dear ones and the human we use here for our message is no exception. As there is a great connection between our spiritual soul group and the lower vibrations of our existence much of what the human experiences we experience as well, though in a different way and based on other corresponding levels of manefestation. In other words we see; hear; and feel what the human sees; hears; and feels, though we have a much more deeper understanding of what is manefesting in your world.
And so we will get right down to it dear ones - No one is coming to save you as you will all save yourself! There are no Galactic citizens who are going to come down and enter your world in space ships so as to aid in your changing the way the planet operates. There will be no taking over of the world leaders and governments by higher beings who come form the stars. There will be no weapons of war waged on the Galactics as they will not be entering your world in ships of peace nor ships of war. All and everything dear ones, as we have been telling you from day one, is within you, and what appears to be outside of you is the illusions you are still hanging on to.
We love you all so dearly and we despair when we sit in the higher realms ( so to speak) and watch you continually fear what does not even have to exist in your lives and your world if you do not allow them to take shape and manefest as your fears in life. You are the Creators and Co - Creators dear ones and nothing can exist at this day that you do not give permission to exist. So go within yourselves and see what exists as the real you, and create from that point, and do not reflect on what was once before in your lives. You are moving out of third density existence dear ones and you must put off third density thoughts; words; and actions and take up the lifestyle that comes with your new fifth dimensional vibrations and energy levels in your new human bodies and forms.
When people or souls come to you in your life today dear ones and they provide you with channels and information supposedly from the higher realms of life and existence you have to ask yourself from now on where these channels or messages originate from, really. Is it just possible that they are the planted words of the dark ones who would have you continue believing in the lie, so as to continue your lives in fear and confusion? Could it be possible that they know you are all about to ascend and take on a new body and form that is out of the grasp of their intentions and negative attacks, on your every day life? Does it matter dear ones who the messages come from as long as you hold to your beliefs and follow your hearts in all situations and circumstances in your life today?
If the message or channel is from the dark ones indeed and you choose to accept their message because it provides the continuation of your third dimnsional life, and provides a way to continue living your life on in to the future in a more peaceful; loving; and happy three dimensional way, then you are still choosing third dimensional life and you are still choosing the world and life that is still in service to self and the ways of the world and the flesh. In that case dear ones you are making your choice at this present now moment and you may not even realise it yet. For the things you choose to allow others from other worlds to help you provide yourself can only continue to be found in third dimensional llife and existence. You may have said from your heart which is a very good thing, that you have chosen to ascend, when the truth of the matter is that you are being deceived by the dark and evil side of your existence and therefore illusion, and you must awaken from this illusion and choose love in the stead. For there truly is no fear and no illusion in love. Love is your reality if you choose to ascend and move on to your higher planes of existence dear ones.
If you have chosen to ascend all the right souls will indeed be sent to you so as to cause your ascension to happen. It matters not if others send channeled messages your way by the hundreds dear ones as this will no longer make a difference as your destiny has been set. All you had to do was decide. Now for those who have not yet decided do not worry yourself for them, as they will all have ample time to make their choice. If it is not in this three dimensional lifetime then it will be in the next. Still this too makes no difference as their fifth dimensional counterparts are already in fifth density waiting on you and every other three dimensional soul to join them. The only difference between your fifth dimensional counterpart and your third dimnsional self is consciousness, as there is that illusion of separation in third density, while it is removed in fifth density and you know who you are; where you are; and every other detail of your life and existence.
With all of this information we are providing you at this time dear ones we believe you will have a much better understanding of what is about to manefest in your world very soon. We wish however to once again mention certain details as we cannot at this day stress them enough, to all those souls who are still in the awakening process.
"YOU"are a spiritual being and everything that is material and physical to you is the illusion. Everything you create you create within your spirit and therefore within yourself. As you awaken more and more you will create at will more and more, but you will then know that it is all the illusions you create from your personality and imagination in life. Though it is all an illusion it is still made to appear real by you and all your soul group members who co - create right along side you.
Still you must keep in mind dear ones that no one is coming!! Every one and every spirit and soul that is needed to create your fifth dimensional world is there with you already, and you need only to bring them out into your mind and thoughts from within your heart center.
The worldwide announcements that are to be made have been made for some already, while others are still waiting on the spirit to lead or guide them into all truth. World wide peace; world debt forgiveness; and world wide abundance; as well as world wide changes of government, have been announced and carried out! Those of you who have not yet recognised that these things have not taken place do not yet understand why and how they have and will continue to take place in your world.
You are the world dear ones!!! We are the World dear ones!!! The world is within you and not outside you. The old three diemnsional world was outside of you based on the illusion. Inside of you there is a whole world and universe going on, and you have not even been aware of it intil now. There have been leaders and governments who have led and governed the world within you and they have been doing a terrible job of it ( sickness; disease; negativity etc.) just as they are doing outside of you in your illusional three dimensional material and physical world. Here you are all sitting and waiting, and you do not really even know what you are waiting on because you have been given so much falsified information from those who would have you fail in life.
Awaken!!!Awaken!!!Awaken!!! We say to you all who have eyes to see and ears to hear: Awaken!!!
So you have been given all that you need up to this point to make the difference. You need not ever worry again what is taking place and happening on the outside as was said by your prophet Jesus - It is not what lies on the outside that makes you unclean but what is on the inside dear ones. Make the inside of the cup clean and be not concerned of the outside, as the outside will follow suit. In third diemsnional relaity people always concern themselves with the outside do they not? But if you truly wish to know the workings of a pesons heart simply knock on their door, and if they invite you in then go in and see their heart. As is above so below! As is on the inside so too the outside! As is the upper so too the lower! Do you see what we are telling you today dear ones? Do you understand?
You reap that which you sow! Like attracts like! If you wish someone to come to you from another world or universe so as to aid you in the continuance of your three dimensional reality simply know dear ones that you have chosen the third dimensional life and that is what you will receive until you "Change." Your time is not up, the moment of decision is not as of yet been logged into the "Book of Life." You are born in and of unconditional love and light and that is where you will return to. Still dear ones you are the one who decides when you will return to that life. We are confident that everyone who is meant to choose life has already done so, and some simply do not understand their choice yet. Know dear ones that when the Abomination of Desolation stands in thedoor of the Holy Place that the time has arrived and your salvation is at hand and is truly at the door. All you need do is knock, and the door shall be opened.
Do not judge anyone today dear ones for their message, as they truly do not know what they do. Many have been misled and they believe they do the right things at this day in time for all of humanity. Love them unconditionally and follow your heart in all decisions from this day forward. We will come to you again as the hour is truly growing short. With all the unconditional love and light we possess we send it to you dear ones. We ask that you as well send yours out to the citizens of the world where it is most needed at this day.
We are Emmanuel and we love you dearly as you are we and we are you!