~A Note on Steve Bassett’s Note~
Steve Bassett has reviewed the President’s response to the Disclosure Petition. He writes:
“OSTP researcher Phil Larson wrote, ‘The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.’ Unfortunately for the OSTP and the Obama administration, that assertion is false.” (1)
He follows that with “four possible explanations for this statement from the OSTP,” which he goes on to list and then concludes “There are no other possible explanations, and in due course administration officials will have to defend their formal statement on one of these bases.”
My heavens, what a lot of difficult situations are presenting themselves for us (OK, me) to steer ourselves through these days. But there’s nothing else to do than steer through them.
I support Steve 100% in his work and I think he’s done all of it with integrity and honor. But I also think there is another explanation to the President’s actions. And I think that Suzy Ward has offered it:
“If you saw Matthew’s last message, you know that Obama is totally aware of the presence of ETs. He can’t announce this because of the ‘power bloc,’ but it’s also ET advice to wait a bit longer so those on the planet can continue to dismantle the Illuminati anonymously.” (2)
Like Kerry Cassidy, Richard Hoagland, and David Wilcock, it’s probably the case that Steve as well does not give much credence to channelled messages (I’m only referring to the reliable ones, of course; I know some will not be reliable, as with everything).
But channeled messages do offer glimpses behind the scenes that oftentimes cannot be gotten by any other means. We see that regularly when we listen to people discussing Niburu, Elenin, YU-55, weather warfare, and President Obama.
And channeled messages are one of the favored methods of communication that the Galactic Federation and other space coalitions use. Let me repeat that: Channeled messages are one of the ways that the GF have chosen (we did not choose this means) to get their message across.
I did not create channeled messages. No one asked me if I would like to receive my information from the Galactic Federation by channeled message or email or dreams. The GF chose to institute channeled messages as one of their ways to get their message out to Planet Earth.
In this case, Matthew (and Suzy through her conversations with Matthew) can tell us why the President perpetuates the cover-up. One could say that he shouldn’t cover up, no matter what. In the best of all possible worlds, I agree: no one should cover up.
But I myself am coming into possession of secret information which I cannot divulge any more than the President can and I begin to see just what a difficult situation that can present. If I were to say the very few (but growing number of) secret things I know, I would cause untold harm around me and make matters very much more difficult than they would otherwise be. I cannot even refer to the matters obliquely. I don’t like it. But I also understand the necessity for it.
I did not start out wanting to come into possession of secrets. I even once turned down the offer to become part of Faction 3 (the Earth allies) because it would mean becoming a secret-sharer and I preferred transparency. But I am now a part of the society of secret-sharers whether I want to be or not. And in some respects it is a heavy burden. In very few respects is it anything I welcome. But it is also a necessity and, I see, part of my soul contract.
So how can I fault the President when he himself is acting for the greater good and possibly following a galactic request not at this time to acknowledge that UFOs are real and extraterrestrials exist? I cannot. If I were in his position, and had been asked by the ETs not to divulge their presence just yet so they could finish the job they’re doing without the glare of public attention, I would be doing the same thing. And I would have to live with the criticism of everyone that would be directed at me, just as the President is.
This is just one more rap where the President gets a tomato thrown at him for something that he’s been asked to do by the very forces that all of us are cooperating with.
And, if I were in his shoes (which I have no desire to be), I’d have to carry on knowing that I cannot set the record straight. The whole thing must be a distasteful experience for him, no matter from which vantage point we regard it. And there are very few people in America today who show that they appreciate his situation.
This is such an unusual time in the history of the world and many, many people are acting in ways they feel are for the best interest of everyone and hoping they get it right and that what they’re doing is needful. But all of us could be mistaken. All of us could foul things up as much as we clear them up.
But from the vantage point of one who chooses not to seek the intel of insiders, not to study Third-Dimensional sources, but to listen instead to channeled messages from higher sources (which many people don’t even look upon as real), I accept the explanation of people like Suzy and Matthew and it leads me to a different conclusion than my revered colleague, Steve.
But it’s the same for me with Steve as it is with President Obama. Just because he and I don’t agree on how we see this thing is no reason for me to say that Steve’s opinion is worthless or that he’s doing the world a disservice, etc. We don’t see eye to eye on this matter, even though I’d like to. That’s all.
We’re lightworkers because we serve the Divine Plan, whatever the Plan is in the situation we’re facing. We aren’t lightworkers because we’re always right or always know the answer. We’re lightworkers because we’re committed to the divine, to love, truth, and peace. We’re lightworkers because we serve the Creator, whose mosaic, process and adventure all of this is and who all of us are convinced is goodness, love, and truth.
We petitioners got the information out via the petition. We showed that a lot of people know what’s happening with ETs and UFOs and want the United States government to stop the truth embargo. That’s as far as the effort may have been destined to go right now.
Tomorrow we’ll take another step and, when we do, I’ll take that step along with Steve, Kerry, Richard, and David, and with the President, and everyone else who works for the light, because, whether we agree on everything or not, we’re serving the same One Being, the same Lord, the same Master. Not that He (She or It) is on our side and not on that of those who cover up and do other things we don’t agree with. He, She or It is not on any “side” and is on all sides.
We’ll take another step together because we share a common desire to do what’s best for humanity and the rest of Gaia’s inhabitants, and our fellow beings throughout the universe. And we’ll disagree on some aspects of it and take another step and disagree and take another step. Until we arrive at the end, by which time we’ll see that all these disagreements were of no overriding significance but were the price of freedom and the glory of democracy. But we will arrive at the end, together.
(1) Steve Bassett, “Press Release: White House Response to the Disclosure Petition,” at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/paradigm-research-group-white-house-response-to-the-disclosure-petition/
(2) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 8, 2011.