NOW is the Moment of Choosing Your Future!

Lia's picture


The NOW is always the moment in which you create your future. However, you never work alone– regardless of how tenaciously you have held onto that belief. You are an energy being, and energy  is the medium you use to create your ever-changing perception of “reality.” You are also supported by energy 100% in manifesting exactly the reflections of “reality” that match the frequencies that you pulse out.

However, there are “ebbs and flows” to energy, as you know by experiencing your own.  The particular kind of energy that our current full moon/lunar eclipse is offering us is unlike any we have ever known–because, whether we recognize it or not, our own states of being are NOW unlike any we have ever known. It is the last of a series of three eclipses, all experienced consecutively, and so that alone tells you that it is rare. They have supported us in “opening the cans of worms” that we have been hiding within the corners of our psyches, and so carrying around with us for millenium.

Why? Because we were “too ashamed” to face them. Or, because they were “too painful,” and we felt “too powerless” to deal with them. But underlying all of that–the sneaky bottom line–is that tbose of us who avoided the “cans of worms” and hid them did so because we thouught we could get away with it. Ouch, right? That’s a tough one to face.

I’ll tell you an even tougher one–we can’t get away with it.  Never have and never will, because each of us is the sole creator of what we experience. NOW, however, the triad of eclipses that we are about to complete our interaction with has offered us a doorway out of the old illusions of fear-based separation. With this final one, we are supported in claiming our individual, authentic voices as never before, and speeaking them in a way that brings us joy, and so serves others simply in the doing.  We will only be supported in this NEW evolution of self, however, to the extent that we choose to be.

My hope is that all of you make this choice a priority, consciously and intentionally, beginning right NOW. Forget the limitations of the past! Forget judgments and decisions  about what you’ll believe or not believe, based on “past knowledge.” The choices you made, even within the last 24 hours, are not relevant NOW. NOW is a whole NEW ball-game.

My hope is that you will watch the video I am posting the link to below– and watch it from your heart center, rather than running it through your old, repetitive, ego/brain programming. Watch it NEW, in other words. Like a child, rather than through the filters of meaning that you have acquired along your journey through life–and that never led to happiness! Let yourself feel what, and how, any parts of the video resonates within you, and trust that resonance–for it is yours, alone, and so  the key to your own magic.

Let everything that doesn’t resonate go, of course. But NOTE what does, and revel in it. Breathe it into you. Write it down! Say it aloud! Then watch the video again. Why? To confirm to yourself that the resonance is “REAL.” This is what commitment takes. It is a critical step, in order to dispell all doubts, both NOW, and in the “future.”

After you have done these things, and are clear and sure and all “fired up,”with the frequencies you choose to live in– SET THEM AS YOUR INTENTION within the energies of our full moon/solar eclipse, which we will feel most powerfully between NOW and twilight of 5/26/13. Then, simply hold them, and know that it is done. There is no need to fuss over the outcome. Instead, rest assured that IT IS DONE, because of the conviction of your intention. Know that you have activated an energy circuit, which means that NOW–as the mystic/poet Rumi put it quite a long time ago–”What you seek is seeking YOU.”

Here is the link to the video–

Keep me posted on your journey,  please, for I send you much faith in your courage, belief in your spirit, and plain old human, profoundly divine desire to feel our energy circuit of connection expressed back to me. That IS the beginning of Unity Consciousness…. ♥♥♥
Copyright(c) Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
