NSA Spying Becomes Global Issue

Rain's picture

NSA spying becomes global issue: Danny Schechter

Press TV - 10/22/13, AHK/KA


Press TV has conducted an interview with Danny Schechter, editor of mediachannel.org, about France’s President Francois Hollande demanding answers from his American counterpart Barack Obama about the US National Security Agency (NSA)’s spying on French citizens.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Video and more: PressTV.ir





NSA spying

Heather Paterson's picture

Isn't it interesting that the video has been withheld. I read the information under the video. I feel that it's more than Mexico, Brazil and France that are disgruntled. Rain you are a legend always working hard at wakening everyone up. Bless you and many thanks