NY Fed. - Gold Audit! Right on Schedule! Johnny

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Bashar on Sticks and Stones

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I Loved watching the segment when Bashar said that since the old system is falling "Why not make a New (exciting) System?" It looks as though we may raise our vibrations but we may well be in a position to buy/sell/barter/trade until such point that all the new techniques come in to play vis-a-vis energy/transportation/food.

Face it Folks...ahem...render unto ceasar seems like a familiar theme here.  The Paper scene is faulty whereas Gold and Silver is faulty, rocks and stones were faulty, but seriously!  Gold and Silver can not be Printed.

For crying out loud if we are using the printed paper and shopping at Wal-Mart and buying fossil fuel and voting and watching T.V. and plugging in to the Grid and eating some strange additives and teaching our children at state sponsored schools and believing the weatherman, the policeman, the doctor, the lawyer- chrise I hope I can trust the garbageman- anyway, the QUESTION REMAINS...What have I changed with in myself and my actions to make my vibrations higher...my friends vibrations higher... My country's vibration higher if I go on with this farce of an economic system?

I challenge you today that you will Weep very soon when "IT" all comes apart and you didn't get online and trade your "Slave Stamps" - dollars - in for SILVER OUNCES or some other form of value storage.  Go online...Oh! You ARE online (!) and at least search ways to find silver or what ever or trust in your heart or chant or what ever but I tell you what the day the banks close for a "Bank Holiday" and you can't get to your savings maybe you will remember reading this.  Oh, and only do things that "excite" your soul.  ;)