Obama Oath Of Office: President Has Quiet Swearing-In Ceremony At White House (VIDEO)

MomT's picture

Huffington Post Posted:   |  Updated: 01/20/2013 1:12 pm EST



President Barack Obama has been sworn in to his second term in office.


During a quiet ceremony in the Blue Room of the White House, Obama took the official oath of office at approximately 11:55 a.m. Obama's family attended, along with several members of the media.


Upon completing the swearing in, Obama hugged his family members and said to his daughter, Sasha, "I did it."



Published on Jan 20, 2013

Seen on C-SPAN: In accordance with the requirements of the United States Constitution, President Obama was officially sworn-in on Sunday, January 20, 2013. Historically, Inaugural Ceremonies are not held on a Sunday because Courts and other public institutions are not open.



To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post



Swearing In Ceremony

Ra-Raela's picture

Hey, wait a minute, didn't SaLuSa say it was on the 21st? What happened? Am I on the wrong timeline or something? Is there another one on Monday? What's going on here?

Major disinformation here: **The live public swearing in ceremony will begin at approximately 11:30am, Eastern Standard Time, on January 21, 2013. News coverage of the events of the day will begin earlier.


Someone clue me in please!


Swearing in Ceremony

MomT's picture

The official one is on the 20th.  President is sworn in on the 20th.  21st is for the public swearing in.  There are two, one private or the official swearing in and the 21st is for the public.

Swearing In Ceremony

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you, Mom T for the clarification! So the post was correct! I,m glad to read it. I will send President Obama lots of love (8:30 our time). Since we don't watch tv, I have a friend, who is psychic, watch it for me. I want to hear from her independent view if anyone unusual stuck out to her, i.e. St.Germain.