Obama~Choosing Freedom For All~

Lia's picture

 Through~Ree Rakhieale Rainbow



I am Zeal and I am a seraph being from the higher dimensions of Gods light. I come through now with information regarding my incarnated aspect-Barack Obama. My path of enlightenment has only just begun. I followed my heart in becoming the president of the USA. The drive to become president was driven by that of greed and power. The circumstances surrounding my position of power were not for the greater good of all but the path I am walking is my highest path. It was agreed in spirit that I would assume such a role and the drive of my ego, as hard as it is for some of you to comprehend, was in alignment with Gods divine plan.


At present my incarnated aspect is fully aware of the situation on the planet. I am in open communication with the beings that are here to assist in the shift to the higher dimensions. The situation right now in the white house is one of fear and discord. The reality of the dissolving of the dark cabal is as clear as day. We were given a choice to redeem ourselves by choosing the light or be removed from power. Many chose to stay and have changed their ways.


The unseen being who were influencing the situation and fuelling the drive for destruction have been removed so there is nothing left but the true heart of the individual. We are all children of God and we all know the power of forgiveness.


Some are struggling with the task of forgiveness of self. I ask you all now to choose forgiveness over anger and see the bigger picture of the situation that is coming to light. You have seen me sign many documents and make many declarations which threaten the freedom of the people of this planet. I ask for your forgiveness and understanding. To stand where I stand now I had to play the game. Yes I played the game unaware of my true purpose to serve the light. The constitution as is stands is worthless and has nothing to back it. The illusion is still in place whilst the final preparations for truth and liberation are underway. The purpose of my message now is to appeal to the hearts of those who choose to read such messages. If you choose to read this message you choose freedom for all. I am asking you now to choose forgiveness of those who have served to repress you.

In honour of your light, Zeal



To Love is to Forgive...

Shannon's picture

This is a very interesting post..., and it comes at a time when the dark..., for all practical purposes has not quite yet conceeded publicly.

Of course we would like to forgive..., but we MUST ALSO remain vigilant!!

In a similar post to this one..."COBRA" has said that over the next 30 days all of the dark forces that POSSESSED people will be gone..., and I say..., fine..., then we will see in 30 days.

Here OBAMA's alleged higher self is saying that all of the beings that possessed those of the CABAL are gone..., and only the HEART is left.

Perhaps..., but I know for a FACT that all of these possessing forces HAVE NOT YET LEFT OR CONCEEDED. It is interesting to me that they have left those who are in power..., the ones who control the planet..., but have stayed (as of this writing) with much less important individuals and still torment them.

It is also interesting to me that OBAMA"S higher self is saying that he now seeks to serve the planet but yet I see dozens of CHEM-TRAIL planes in the air everyday as of the writing and that is only in my local area.

ACTIONS speak louder than words and I for one hope that what is written here is true..., HOWEVER..., I will not stop or quit watching these events or allow myself to get LULLED to sleep again by one very quick apology followed up BY NO VISIBLE CONCRETE ACTION!

I know there are many others who feel the way I do..., I simply put a voice to their thoughts.


ha ha

Guest's picture

This article was very funny! I enjoyed it. I second the notion of choosing freedom for all.


Not only freedom from the upper levels of oppression but also freedom on the smaller, more individual levels. Freedom to contemplate, question, and dis-cover truths for ourselves, while also respecting other people's choices to contemplate for themselves as well.


Yes, Obama must have a higher self ( just as we all do). I'm just over waiting for him to act on it. I'm open to him acting on it some day but after seeing the horrible things he's done so far, I can't help but regret voting for him and believing in him in the first place. 


In the meantime, I've chosen to find my answers inwardly from meditation, contemplation, working with my own ego, and from beings who have shown themselves to be compassionate in their actions.  


I certainly will not lull myself into a state of complacency and disempowerment by waiting for Obama, or any other external savior to solve the sufferings of the world (WHICH HAVE NOT magically disappeared as this article seems to suggest). That would be silly to do such a thing. 


Due to my freedom of choice, I believe that we as a human collective are the only one's who can save ourselves. This requires much more than the oligarchic efforts of one individual, regardless of whether this individual is named Obama, Zeal, or any other fantastically dazzling name. 


I do apologize if I offended, angered, or dashed anyone's higher-OBAMA hopes, and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just being honest and exercising my freedoms of speech, because if such freedoms don't get exercised, they'll cease to exist.

