~OCCUPY TOGETHER~When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change.

Lia's picture



~When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change~




As soon as we take personal responsibility, everything seems to improve. When enough people consciously agree, that is when things change.


The more people move in a spiritual direction, the more things will change. We communicate by presenting a model to others, if it is a positive model, it then becomes contagious and produces positive changes. The opposite holds true also, when we present negative role models, others begin to copy that role model and we create our own problems by devolving. Children are especially sensitive in their formative years to the models presented to them.


We need to begin expecting miracles that will reveal our true mission in life. If we stay true to our life mission and do the inner work necessary to allow us to get out of our own way, opportunities will present themselves to help you with your problems.


Eastern and Western philosophies can be integrated into a higher spiritual truth. Yes, the W est is correct in maintaining that life is about progress, about always trying to evolve to something higher and better than what existed before.


But, so too is the East correct in teaching that we must let go of the control of our ego. Logic alone will not provide the answer, instead, we must seek a higher consciousness, an inner connection with God, guided by the coincidences and synchronicities which present themselves to us every day.


