Hello Lightworkers, our voices will become quite cohesive as we move step by step in the natural processes towards our desires, but we still need this initial process of shaking the tree to get the fruits of our collective objectives!
Today on 7 Global Day and for the next few days, the Collective particles are beginning to get their antennae aligned with each~other....and a bit closer to the same ENERGETIC Page! Occupy the World today ~ Peace Meditations 10-20-2011
Forgive~ness is on our plate as well.
Today and the rest of the month will lead US into a more cohesive healing~mode, we are re~minded that hidden inside all of the hustle & bustle, and turmoil of waking up, we might find the urge to Be compassionate for All of the players in the drama.
BE strong in your own intentions of Unity within Self, which solidifies the Whole of The Collective Experience!
Be a Part of today's world-meditation WITHIN the Collective Time calendar.
Pay it forward on twitter, facebook and your LOCAL livestream-chat of "Occupy Together"!!!