~Occupying Our Destiny ~ The Butterfly Becoming~

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Occupying Our Destiny ~ The Butterfly Becoming~


~Galactic Love Reporter Rachael Ehrlund~




~A Call to Awaken to Our Responsibility and Potential as Creators of the Future~



Excerpt from Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin:

“There are three phases to the butterfly’s life cycle: the larvae (caterpillar), the pupa or chrysalis (in the cocoon), and the imago (a mature adult, a butterfly). The transformational chrysalis phase is one of the greatest mysteries of biology. No one knows exactly how the caterpillar changes it’s form in such a dramatic way. But this much is known: inside the caterpillar’s body are clusters of cells called, of all things, imaginal buds. Imaginal refers to the imago, the adult phase, but it also means “to imagine”, and psychologists use the word imago to mean an idealized image of a loved one, including the self. The imaginal buds contain the idealized image, the blueprint, for growing a butterfly. While the caterpillar goes about its earth-crawling business, these cells, deep inside, are imagining flight. 

The caterpillar’s immune system believes these imaginal cells are foreign and tries to destroy them, not unlike the way the uninitiated human egos and their egocentric cultures often try to destroy the soul, nature, and the feminine. It’s as if the caterpillar doesn’t realize it’s own destiny is to become a butterfly. Likewise, the uninitiated ego doesn’t realize its destiny is to become an agent for the soul. (It’s no coincidence that the Greek word for butterfly means “soul.”) Once in the cocoon, the buds link up, the caterpillar’s immune system breaks down, and it’s body literally disintegrates. The buds then build a butterfly from the fluid contents of the cocoon.”

 © Bill Plotkin, Soulcraft


My husband awoke today from a vivid dream which he shared with me. In the dream, he was in a large crowd of people and there were two characters in the center – one smaller man who wanted to fight, and another larger man who wanted peace. He awoke concerned and shaken, wondering if this was indicative of something playing out in waking reality.

This dream was very timely, as I had been working on a new article on the underlying tension surrounding the Occupy movement, and my feelings about the faction of people calling for the necessity of revolution (in the archaic sense of the word). I am very sensitive to emotive negative language, and to the words that people choose to send out into the Universe to represent their ideas and opinions. These thoughts are the seeds of our future, being dispersed into the ether to take root in the collective conscious and formation of our reality.

My interpretation of his dream, and the situation being formed out of the consciousness of the onlookers and participants of this movement, is this:

In the dream there were two people in the center, two main types of characters involved. The “Bigger Man”, who wanted Peace. And the “Smaller Man” who was insistent upon fighting. There was a large crowd of people watching these two men closely, just as the world sits on the edge of their seats wondering what will happen with the Occupy movement.

Are you rooting for the Smaller Man? Or are you sending your Love energy to the Bigger Man?

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.” – Richard Bach

Please remain aware that we are dealing with the very basic building blocks of Universal law here- with this situation, and with every other. Your thoughts are your “Vote” towards the future you wish to see, and your words are powerful indicators of where this Vote is being cast. Your words have influence over everyone they come into contact with, and the energy behind them is palpable.

You have two choices, in every moment- always. Fear? Or Love?

Please choose wisely.

We must recognize that we are all responsible for contributing to this Awakening. This is a collective rebirth of consciousness, there is no room or time for waiting on the sidelines. This is not a spectator “sport”. This is not practice. This is the time when all of the lessons we have learned over innumerable lifetimes help us to reach the pinnacle of our creative potential. We are on the precipice of the emergence of the true future we wish to see, but it is WE who will CREATE this future. You are already actively involved, so please participate consciously.

I ask that you each make a manifestation list – outlining your hopes and dreams for the future, and a statement of intentions about how YOU plan to contribute to getting us there.

If you are one of the people standing in the crowd waiting to see what happens between the Little Man and the Big Man, please make higher use of your time and will by choosing to actively participate in something you believe in. And if you are someone finding yourself speaking words that you don’t really want to hear, but believe to be true based on years of programming and bombardment from an illusory and distracting timeline that is ON ITS WAY OUT- please reconsider where your energy is going.

There is no violence necessary in the rebirth of a butterfly, and the caterpillar mustn’t be destroyed to actualize this process. Metamorphosis is a mysterious and magical process of one thing becoming another, it is alchemic in nature, and it is this very quality which defines the metamorphosis. It cannot exist without the magic and the mystery- and neither can any significant change that we hope to see within ourselves, the planet or the Universe.

It is we- who’s egos stand in the center between our potential and our fears- that represent the caterpillar’s biological reactions to the imaginal cells waiting to become the butterfly. But just like the caterpillar cannot resist their own becoming, neither can we resist the change which is upon us. We must realize that our perspectives are limited, and that the possibilities on the horizon are much greater than we can postulate from the vantage point of the caterpillar.

It is time to grow up, rise up, spread our wings, and fly.

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King Jr.

*My own precognitive dream guidance (from July) gave me a clear message about this movement, and what is required of us in our participation. Love : Unite Within Our Hearts – Precognitive Dream of Occupy Wall Street


By. Rachael Ehrlund



