Oct. 1 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) sets New Year up with a Burst!

Lia's picture

 2 October 2012 By   Jill Renee

Powerful energies over the weekend and during the night Sunday into Monday with the arrival of the "new year", Oct. 1. Did you feel it, too? "It" woke each of my daughters up at different times in the night -- they looked cheerful and entirely too awake, like Christmas morning. They eventually went back to sleep, phew!

This morning (when it was actually time to wake) my 3D Sun iPhone App messaged that a significant geomagnetic storm had transpired during the night/early a.m. of Oct. 1. Confirmation can be so fun! I felt great today and hope you did as well.

A very in tune human friend called early Monday eve and asked me if I knew anything going on because she was losing time (traveling interdimensionally) and becoming disoriented upon re-centering in this set of dimensions. When I tapped in, I felt that the burst of frequencies many of us set off Friday and Saturday with the help of the full moon served to tune the CME and the resulting geomagnetic storm. Still, the burst of "higher" frequencies were being integrated in various ways and creating Northern Lights as far South as California. Many lightworkers were assisting in this integration, along with Gaia, who was doing the best "she" could with the adjustments necessary.

All of these bursts create pressure changes; water pressure, air pressure, pressure in the inner and outer layers of Earth's surface, etc. In this situation and other similar events/cycles, some wayshowers/lightworkers/starseeds seem to take on larger amounts of the integration efforts for the goal of assisting the collective process and to assist Gaia so that the Earth structure adjustment was as gentle as possible.

For those having difficulty with this latest surge, please listen to your body and treat * yourself * with care, love and compassion. You aren't doing anything "wrong," and this attitude can help you stay in neutral so there isn't the mental spin into a downward spiral pity party/martyrdom. Ask your Self/Team for assistance and/or relief. Ask for the most benevolent outcome in this situation. Comedy/humor is a great way to lighten up, as are experiencing nature, a salt bath, a gentle meditation, wearing a smile with a hand on the heart and some slow deep breaths, whatever feels good to you to get deeper into your Light core, past the debris and noise that may be clamoring for attention in the pain body, mental body and/or emotional body.

We all have different ways of experiencing this Shift and these energy surges. Solar/Stargate activity cycles correlate with the spiritual awakening on Earth, in a highly dynamic cause and an effect role, simultaneously. We'll have more of these cycles and in increasing frequency in coming months and years, offering you opportunities to experiment and play with different ways of participating in them... Creating new endings for how you feel them and assist with them grin

October is an extremely special month, as we build to a very open set of various energetic gateways in Dec. with the Dec. Solstice.

Hope this is helpful!

Jill Renee Feeler
