~October 28th Opened Your Portal of Manifestation~

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of October 31, 2011 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Even though you have moved through many energy shifts in the last few months, the shift of October 28th was larger than most, as will be the shift of November 11. Each shift moves you closer to your goals of love and joy.



Dear Ones,

We wish to discuss manifestation today. Perhaps you are hoping for a new home, community, job or relationship. It does not matter. For indeed, the energy surge of October 28th removed many barriers to your manifestation abilities.

During yesterday’s radio show (Creation Energies on www.BlogTalkRadio.com), we outlined how the October 28th energy burst was similar to a chick in a shell pecking its way to freedom. The first moments of freedom for that chick might include fear or even anger. “I was very safe in my shell, but now I must create a new life.”

You have had a few days to adjust to your freedom since the energy surge of October 28 and your next stage is starting to take form – manifestation.

What do you want your world to include or look or feel like? What do you want to ingest? Where do you want to live? For unlike a chick limited to the environment selected by its mother hen or the person who purchases it, you have a full range of possibilities you now need to create.

The chick does not leave its shell wondering how it is going to fed or sheltered. Just as a new-born human baby does not worry about how it is going to breathe or if its heart will pump sufficiently to carry blood throughout its body. So now it is for you.

It is time for you to expect that your new core necessities are readily available. You are beyond scavenging for food and housing, just as you no longer need to fight for breath. It is a given. For those of you who are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchies of Needs, you have moved beyond the initial stages of food, shelter and clothing. You are now addressing self-actualization.

Some of you question that thought as you note the starving African children or the homeless across the world. Not everyone will crack open their shell or move into the New Age at the same time. We are not addressing those entities who have not yet opened to their inner-being or who will never open their heart in this lifetime. We are speaking to the lightworkers, wayshowers and scout masters who are ready to or already sharing their talents to create a path for the pioneers who follow.

It is time for you to actualize your dreams.

Your dreams may have shifted a bit over the past few months. For as you removed each layer of Old Age beliefs, your ability to create what your inner-being desires perhaps shifted. Six months ago, you might have dreamed of traveling throughout the world, but now you are most interested in building a community in which your totality of being will be expressed. Both dreams are about cultural interactions – just on different levels.

Some of you have no dreams. You are like the chick who has just pecked through its protective shell waiting for some signal to tell you what to do next. That is fine. You will know shortly. For indeed, the days between October 28th and November 11 are to help you formalize and/or create your dreams. It is a portal of manifestation to create or to determine what you wish to manifest.

The year 2012 has much meaning for those of you following the Mayan Calendar. Your world is not going to self-destruct, nor will you ascend into the heavens in some ghostly fashion. Instead, your manifestation skills will be deepened and necessary. For indeed, to create the new earth, the earth of your dreams, you must be willing to unite your manifestation skills with those of others. And so it will be.

But before you can combine your manifestation skills with others, you must practice in your current life. Such is true for several reasons, not the least of which is that, until you allow your beliefs to include your increasing ability to manifest, you will not be able to join your manifestation skills with others to create the world of joy and love you so desire.

It is time. Shake “your tail feathers” as it were and allow yourself to know that food, shelter and clothing are as readily available as the air you breathe. Create beyond the basics. What does your inner-being desire and why? If it is a new home, why? How does that home become part of the new earth? Or is it merely to help you believe that you can create what you want when you want it?

We will add one last thought. If you are dreaming of a new home and such a thought resonates within you before, during and after the October 28th energy surge, you are creating that dream, that reality as a result of your inner-being needs. Perhaps you require more freedom to be. Perhaps you need to move to a new community to share your totality. Or perhaps you require more beauty to function in the new earth. It does not matter. If your dream remains, know that it is time to create it – and that you have the skills to do so.

If your dream has shifted to a new vehicle, more loving family relationships or a larger community of loving friends, know that your new dream is what your inner-being is directing you to. Allow yourself the flexibility of shifting dreams from those of before October 28th. But if that dream has not shifted, it is time to manifest it NOW.

Throughout this year of 2011, you peeled away Old Age belief systems – particularly those that limited your dreams and your beliefs. October 28th heightened that process and November 11th will complete it.

2012 will bring other issues to the forefront – not the least of which is your need and ability to be the wayshowers and scout masters for the pioneers who wish to follow. So be it. Amen.

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