By Ethan Indigo Smith
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” ~ Serenity Prayer
All the social systems controlled by the figurative 1% and opposed by the 99%, all the institutions that any compassionate person would liken to fascist or feudal, all have been instigated, implemented and reinforced by people. I know that I alone cannot change such systems; this is guaranteed by the combined oligarchical complex of government, corporate, financial and military, all formed in a steep pyramid system with “the 1%” (those in control) atop and “the 99%” (those under control) below.
But it is perfectly obvious that if a system is simply the creation of people, then people can change that system – with serenity, courage and wisdom...