This time is one of tumult (uproar, confusion, noisy commotion). In order to perform a change of such magnitude, things have to break off. This will feel like a jolt in many instances. This will be necessary because so many here now have to be shown in no uncertain terms that they have a choice. They cannot ignore it any longer. You are deep within this time of the Shift. It is happening whether you see it or not.
Choices made now direct your days towards whatever future you are choosing. What is it that you are hoping to achieve?
Are you looking for miraculous? Miracles are possible now and they will take place not within ancient texts but before your eyes.
You came to participate. Know that what you are doing is just precisely what you’ve planned all along. Trust.
Our families, our bodies, our jobs, our locations, our friends and our lovers – were all chosen for this moment now. In order to get the most from each challenge and situation, all players are in place with their parts memorized.
You’ve come from a long and glorious life to participate. You’ve brought with you the tools you need to succeed. What is happening now is that you are remembering what was planned so long ago. What’s happening now is that your deepest truth is being recognized.
This change we are in is not something taken care of by gods or galactics – it is happening now because we are making it happen. In a very real sense we are the gods and the galactics.
From the occupy movement to the whistleblowers to those deep within the corruption, we are finding our voice and speaking out. We are making the change. We are shifting. It is us.
As you look around you will find your place, you part will seamlessly fit into your life. You will notice it feels as if you were born to do it. You were.
Listen to the quiet part of you that feels true. He is familiar. She is loving. It is you.
The greater part of you has been here always. Today we have more direct access to this wisdom. All we need do is take the time to listen.
Whether it is via a walk or a deep meditation – go within. It is vital now that you walk through these times with your head held up and your feelings sure. It is you that you must get to know. This time is ripe for self-awareness. The universe has granted us a brief moment to discover our truth – One Moment in Time. Use it.
This is a necessary activity. This will give you confidence and comfort in the days ahead. It is not time to depend on another. It is time to depend on you. Find your truth.
We are absolute and flawless pieces of divinity. Hold that thought always in your heart and your way will be clear. The only answer is love.
We are the ones we are waiting for.
Thank you
Thank you for the pep talk I really needed it,Usually I feel about useless.I appreciate you sending comfort.
You are welcome!
I hear you... you just haven't walked on stage yet... any moment now... you'll know when its time.