Oneness ~ Soul Energy ~ Channeling
I remember back in the beginning of this journey, everything I experienced was so new, so incredibly exciting. Meeting my guides, meeting my friends from the Pleiades, meeting Sananda and the whole lot of energies that came to help me… Become.
I was not looking at becoming anything really. No one, in those days, within my field of meditation, ever talked about enlightenment and what we are really doing here on earth. Truely, they were all aligned to take me out of the chaos and fear that was my life, and raise my whole body into a more divine light of existance.
The first thing I ever learned to do was channel. That is a funny word too… channel. Back in the day, early 2001, the only form of channeling I was aware of was trance-channeling. That a highly evolved entity would move over Lisa and talk thru her mouth and she not be present.
I thought I failed at this channeling thing.. or that any highly evolved entity didn’t want to have to use my smoke filled lungs to speak thru. I was sure it was the later.
I was able to take clear messages from Franklyn, my precious friend from the Pleiades. I was even able to hold the energy of Sananda and share messages from him. But I was always conscious. I never left me… and I was sure I must be doing this channeling thing wrong. .. and truly had myself convinced it was because I smoked cigarettes. That is, until I met a famous author who wrote many books channeled by the Pleiadians… and she smoked. To say I was shocked was an understatement.
Finally, Franklyn told me I was a conscious channel. The light on the earth supported the exchange of energy now so that I could consciously take the messages from my friends in other realms.
Shortly after this channeling adventure started, I declared to my spiritual team, I wanted to learn how to live a life like Jesus did when he was alive. He was so loving, so helpful and helped people when no one else seemed to be able to do so. That is who I want to be in this world.
Careful what you ask for!!
Sananda and Franklyn came rushing in. For two solid years, I learned energy frequencies as they applied to the body, understanding how the biology and energy work together.. and break down together.
I eventually learned about soul energy. This learning, understanding, was much more than my budding consciousness could handle.
We so want to humanize the soul energy. Make it singular, separate. It is neither. Every guide that showed up in my bathtub was an individuation of my whole soul energy… which is really a group. A collective consciousness of energy.
Jill, that crazy wild chick who came thru the Ouija Board… she taught me how to be a good friend. She was my best girlfriend, in meditation as well as outside of it. She never judged me, was patient with me… I could have never ever seen her as myself. In those days, I sure was not “that” to anyone, especially not to myself.
Ramus… man he tripped me up big time. He never spoke a single word to me, at least for the first 8 years. He was always present with Jill. Always shared amazing love and joy to me. But not a word. Jill had told me Ramus was there to show me… be the example for me that actions speak louder than words.
It took me 8 years to really apply that energy to my life.
Franklyn, my close friend and love of my life from the Pleiades, taught me about unconditional love, non-judgement and trust. Talk about challanging!!
Sananda, taught me how the human works in relationship to energy. How the soul works in relationship to the human realm.
Ahnorah, my friend from the Pleiades who worked as a BioChemical engineer. Creating various hormones via the energy field.
And so many more… they all individuated themselves to me for as long as I needed them to. My soul… group energies, consciousnesses of my soul.
I started to learn about the complexity of a soul energy. But that every single entity that came to share upon my bathtub of enlightenment were all me. All aspects of my soul energy. When I owned that as me, they ceased the seperation… individuation, and spoke in one collective voice.
We humans see ourselves as so small, so unworthy of saying… yes!! I am the wisdom and energy of Jesus, of Franklyn. I Am that too. Some get really uncomfortable when I share the wisdom that is me, and call it by my own name… Lisa. Better, for the sake of another’s comfort zone, to stay separate and declare it as something outside of me.
I would be living a lie. I have already walked that path, no need to loop around one more time!
Oneness is not a pretty concept. One unified energy is who we are Really! Today, I have been asked… to the shear boggle of my own mind… to separate that which I worked so diligently to integrate as me… so someone else may be comfortable with the sharing.
To even declare no highly evolved entity has personal human experiences. Really? What exactly are we doing here… on earth? If not allowing the fullness of Heaven, of spirit… to play within the human biology as us.
My Readings are done thru the soul of the All. I can see you because I am in fact you as well.
There is not one single thing you or I do during the course of the day, our soul energy is not experiencing and learning from as well. To allow the soul, the spirit of All life to share via the human experience is what we all strive to do.
Be One with the All. YOU are the All, even when it appears separate!
I Am
Lisa Gawlas