~On~Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;~
Report~16, October 27, 2011
Urgent Message!!!
First Ascensions Started Today, October 27, 2011
Dear friends,
Last night, October 27, I opened in the lucid dream state the first portals and the first star seeds entered these portals and ascended to the 5th dimension. They will not return to earth. I know them well as souls, but I do not know their names as incarnated human entities. The only thing I know is that they are readers of this website and are younger than me.
If you hear anything about somebody, who has disappeared suddenly, please notify me immediately.
Georgi Stankov
Last Message from the Arcturians.
Sue Caroll, October 26, 2011:
Dear Arcturians,
Will the 11.11.11 Portal open before November 11th?
Beloved Ascending Ones,
Since time is an illusion, which is easily by-passed by a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, the openings of Portals into the fifth dimension are there for any one who knows how to awaken their multidimensional perceptions.
We are happy that many of you have been able to remember this fact. Also, the opening of the Portals depends on one's interest. As always, whatever you desire you will perceive, according to your state of consciousness and expectations.
The Arcturians
October 26, 2011
Dear George,
I found your website a few weeks ago and have been following it hungrily ever since. Like everyone here it seems, I've been in hiding for several years now. It's SO exciting to finally see EVIDENCE that I am not the only one on this Mission. It's wonderful to hear everyone else's unique and yet connected stories, experiences, insights, and feelings in this phenomenally important time in Earth's history.
I resonate so much with your information on how we will open and then hold open our portals, and I know now that I built/activated my own portal to the 5th dimension as a child. And I have returned to this exact place time and again, feeling an irresistible draw and passionate love, and have had to make my stays brief, returning back into doing my very difficult Awakening Work in the rest of the world. I experienced my own Wake Up Call in March of 2001 and have been working hard ever since to learn, understand, and then DO my part of the Great Work.
And now, just at the beginning of September, I was led back here to this place again and was given access to an amazing home with the most spectacular 180 degree panoramic view of the Pacific I've ever known, in order to hold the space and prepare to hold open my own doorway to the next dimension. I look out on the delicious sunsets and SEE the fifth dimension right out my window. When I look out there, all doubt disappears and I KNOW Who I Am and what I'm HERE in this place to do. That I am HERE is proof it's TIME. The Great Shift is HERE.
I read about so many others being led to be in spectacular natural areas away from the masses during this time and I identify so strongly with them. The purity of this energy, this air, is helping me and my partner to clear every last weak link as it presents itself so quickly that we truly are, as the Arcturians said, doing a year's work in a day or even an hour. I also identify with having my loved ones stuck in a very dense, lower level of their own evolution and trying very hard to create self-doubt in me, up to the very last minute.
In fact, the day before I moved here, I faced my last family initiation when my mother, like another PAT member's father whose story was shared in one of your reports, expressed disappointment and disbelief in me and I had to work to surmount the rising tide of despondency and self-doubt that threatened to take me under. My final break from her influence was my final test, one I had to pass in order to be allowed back to the huge responsibility of holding the energy at my portal.
There is nothing I want more than to connect with the rest of my Mission Team at this crucial time of co-creation and would be very grateful if you would share my email address with your list. It is satina@dharmawork.com. Soul Family, I would love to hear from you! It's been so HARD to do this alone, hasn't it? (Well, thinking we were alone sometimes, anyway.) I have just started a new blog to chronicle my experience of the Ascension process, and I'd love to hear about those of others: http://newearthservers.wordpress.com/.
You are so right George. We are definitely in the final countdown. I am no scientist, but like you, I also look for corroborating evidence, rational support of my own feelings and Higher Messages, and nothing else makes sense but to believe that we are on the EDGE of the transformation of the entire civilization. I see more evidence every day. I look forward to finally being able to meet others who have been on the same Mission. Thank you for making it possible for us to "connect the dots."
Sending you (and my Soul Family here!) the Highest Love and Light,
Satina M. Scott
Dear Satina,
Thank you very much for your beautifully written and eloquent, but very emotional and positive report of your personal story and current feelings and perceptions, leading to one final end - Ascension. I will publish your email with the links in the next report-16, so that other members of the PAT and star seeds can contact you an continue the dialogue on your blog.
Welcome to PAT and enjoy your last days on the beautiful place you have found to say farewell to this earth and embrace the New Reality.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear Georgi,
I have been glued to your site for a week or two now and admit that it took a couple of takes to sink in. I must say that the letters and techniques you used with Steve and Ron in particular really drew me in and challenged me to pay a closer attention to the details of your transmissions to them. I found this to be a verification for me of your level of consciousness and integrity. So firstly thank you for channeling the divine authenticity for us to witness publicly, I know it awakened a whole new level of truth in me.
I have been experiencing life on the new paradigm frontier as I like to call it for at least the past couple of years and what I am understanding as the 4th and 5th dimensional perspectives are what we call "normal where we come from" as we enjoy the humor of our mission in these times. I have been untangling some confusion about my role in the ascension process around this and hoped you could reflect for me what you see.
I will give some context of our tribal journey and my personal piece in it and I ask that you share your thoughts for me so that I may refine my focus in these last days.
There are at least 6-10 people around me that have been a huge part in the co-creation of a beautiful loving, and expanding giving reality that we have felt is a pioneering energy at this time. These beloveds I refer to as the tribe. We are all focused on our individual pieces and some have less interest or focus on the ascension. That being said I feel we are all in the vibrational awareness to move through the portals at this time. I have been talking a bit and sharing some of the info on here and have been thinking to myself that perhaps I am to take this in and hold the intention for our tribe to ascend on the 11th. I'm curious if you think it is possible that only I or a few of my tribe are going to move through? I'm not sure it matters, but I do want to focus my energy on my piece of service in all this.
The other thing I am finding puzzling in a way that allows doubt to creep in, is the whole portal thing. I'm assuming by what I've read that what we are doing is already the process of opening the inner portal. Is this naive, or right in the heart of trust and truth itself? The latter tends to resonate and on some level feeling that this is no big deal, tells me a lot about how much we've been preparing for this. My first thought was oh my I have to build a portal, how do I do that? And now I'm thinking the intention to create it within and see it without on the 11th will be enough. Can I have your opinion on this? I know this about finding my own truth in this, so whatever your answer is will be just perfect.
Thank you for your time and efforts, I am so excited these days I can barely stand it!
Much love and blessings my brother,
Dear Andre,
Thank you very much for your email and for the presentation of your "tribe". Before I proceed, let me clear a misunderstanding. As far as comprehend it, you are talking about your intention to ascend to the 11th dimension. According to the model I use, the 11th dimension has nothing to do with souls in the incarnation cycle, but with energy levels beyond our imagination.
All star seeds who will ascend in the first wave at 11.11.11 will go to the highest 5th dimensional levels, also known as Celestria and only after some time may they start to explore the 6th and 7th dimensions. The bulk of humanity will ascend in Dec 2012 to the lower second level of the 5th dimension, where there will be still some kind of physicality at the beginning, so that the ascended entities could more easily adopt to the new conditions of life. Depending on their level of spiritual evolution, they will move at a different pace to higher dimensions and start create from the soul level by imagination and intend.
There are already enough portals for everybody to ascend who is ready for it and this is part of his contract. The inner portal is a prolongation, so to say, of the energetic field of the individual which he builds during the LBP by augmenting the frequencies of the physical, emotional, mental and ethereal body. The portal is nothing else, but a resonance of the individual energetic field with the frequencies of the 5th dimension. The question that you and all other readers should answer for themselves is thus, not whether they have built their portal, but how far they have progressed in their LBP and in cleansing old negative dross from their fields. I hope that I have answered your question somewhat.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear Georgi,
Thank you so much for the role you are playing here. What you have written has resonated so deeply, it’s as if I’m reading my own thought process.
You wrote in ‘L&R Brain’: “Currently, there is a general misunderstanding among all light workers. Very few of them have actually entered the light body process. Those who have, are so exhausted by the energetic transformation of the four bodies (emotional, mental, astral (ethereal), and biological), that they have no energy to communicate with others and their voices are not heard. Those, who speak loud about this issue, have no personal experience with the light body process. This is the source of all confusion among light workers on this key process that leads to individual Ascension.”
This assessment is the coup de grace for my strands of self-doubt about being in the first wave. Bring on 5D! Yet I’m grateful you’ve nevertheless had the energy to delineate so much information- enough for me and for ‘enough’ others to resonate with and get that external corroboration. (Just as I wrote this, a poster of the Chinese symbol for ‘expansion’ fell from my wall. For me, that means the act of writing so as to put my energy into your site, and the act of claiming ownership of my Knowing about the impending shift.)
My arrhythmia was in the summer-to-fall of 2009. And WOW did things proceed up a precipitous learning curve from there. There was nonstop clearing and healing on all levels and it was just so incredibly intense and unending. Thank goodness, I always knew to trust in the spiritual nature of the phenomena. Before a pilgrimage to Machu Picchu in March 2010, I was told I would be leaving the planet and going into the 5th dimension, so I one-way’ed it to Peru, fully expecting to ascend there at the equinox. Upon return to the States, one night there was a full-on cosmic explosion through my whole being. As it increased exponentially in intensity (sound, vibration, omniscience, etc.) nearing the perception of annihilation, with my hands on my heart, there were three final thoughts:
1. Oh my god.
2. I remember this.
3. I’m going home.
And then I freaked out because I thought it was happening to the whole planet and I really wanted to get away from the people who I thought were going to go crazy…. Anyway… Since April 2010, the deepening levels of surrender to soul took me through Sedona, L.A., Florida, and now Texas. And WOW again, the phenomena have only become more thorough and magical and real. I’m on leave from work until I’m off with you all in November. (Yeah!) It became very difficult energetically (working as a front desk agent in a resort here) to play along with the preposterous charade that everything is still ‘business as usual’… meanwhile Global Occupy is in uproar, and I’m phasing in and out of linear reality and have no idea what guests just said to me or why they’re so blatantly projecting their hostility and irrationality. I mean, please people, do we not see that something wonderful is about to happen!?
I had a question for you but in typing, the answer became quite apparent.
Georgi, I salute your rocking the boat by instigating the Beckow/Wilcock drama…. So thank you again, and thank you to those writing in. I’m in joyful earnest for our cosmic reunion! Oh, and it may be of interest that I was born in ’85 and am definitely not from here. I remember experiencing a significant existential panic upon realizing I couldn’t dematerialize my body and I was inextricably trapped in the 3rd dimension. Not for long!
Love to all,
Dear Travis,
Thank you very much for your very kind email and I am happy that you have finally found your home in the PAT and among the first ascension candidates. From the presentation of your life story it becomes evident that you are well on the way to Ascension and that you has progressed substantially in the LBP. From now on, one must only stay calm and confident and wait patiently for the final transformation.
By the way many advanced star seeds like me did ascend in 2010 in spirit, but decided to stay on earth in a physical vessel to help Gaia and humanity, which is in a great delay with its Awakening. Hence the many postponements in the last several years that have eroded the patience and confidence of many light workers. However, the time of further delays has run out and 11.11.11 is the certain event.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dearest Georgi
today I got this email :) even the stars accompany... Interesting the last days is that I relieve all the "dreams" I had about 11 years ago and now they "make sense". The dream:
So I was trained to drive my car a small road again and again till I knew by heart it was snow and I had to drive in a cabrio the last one. My cat went out of the car as it was so quick and then I came to a big portal where I was taking people into within there was kind of a station where the people I brought left their baggage and got some essential things they needed for the part on the other side of the portal I cannot describe how beautiful the places where on the other side just exhilarating.
Then I had to go back and take the next ones to transport into and then through the portal and so on
and my little cat that now does not live any longer tool lots of things with it. It was taken by some ones who did cruel things to it but this is OK as my cat came at the last drive into the portal into my car again and those who had taken her had to go another place where they were taken care of ... they could no longer do anything like that they had done to my cat... it is such a deep "time" now.
in love and light
a blessing from the rainbow
October 26, 2011
Hello Mr. Stankov
I know it is a very delicate time for many of us. But if you can spare a bit of time...
I have been aware of upcoming ascension for 4.5 years, being 22 now, have been aware of the 28 Oct 2011 date. Have been aware of 11.11.11 as quite the magical date. As an ascension date I discovered it a couple of months ago.
My question to you if you are up for replying and giving your stance: What qualifies a person to ascend and ascend in the first wave in order to assist humanity in 2011/2012 as wayshowers?
I expect to find peace in all my Earthly relationships, have forgiven everyone for a long time now, don't have grudges of any kind, only wish the best for everyone, so everyone will be happy.
But my question is, even though I am willing, able and desire to ascend next month, is it possible for me? Is that enough?
I am ready and willing to leave my entire life, as it is now, behind me, and move on with ascension, so I can be of assistance to humanity.
Also, if it is enough, does the ascension encompass moving into another frequency of Earth, and thus a new reality or will most of the first wave remain on 3D-4D, in short, on duality Earth? And if so, how will I know if I went through the ascension? I imagine it will be very obvious and clear if it happens correct?
Also, if I happen to be working for some reason during the daytime of 11.11.11... will a portal appear in some way there even? Or will I go through it during sleep time then? And if sleep time,can I expect it when going to sleep on 10.11.11 or late 11.11.11 ?
Thank you so much, truly hoping I can be of assistance and help to shine the light and help humanity ascend to unity and love frequency,no more duality existence where war,starvation, neglect and sorrow exists. For this reason I truly desire to ascend on 11.11.11 and help humanity to the best of my ability.
If I am not part of the first wave for some reason, I still wish you the very best of luck and willpower to help humanity,all of you being our brothers/sisters who help us from the bottom of your hearts. I tear up out of gratitude.
Thank you
Dear Valery,
Thank you for your email and the many questions to me. First it is only you who can know whether you will ascend or not. This is a leitmotif in all my writings and email responses. You are a sovereign creator being and you make this decision. Nobody else can see your contract and know what is in it.
Those who will be in the first Ascension wave will go to the 5th dimension and will not return back. There will be a few who will return to the current 3d-earth which will also have some elements of 4d-earth after 11.11.11 and they will lead humanity to its final mass ascension in Dec 2012. I will be one of them. There are some more who know this.
You are still very young and to stay one more year on this planet and experience all the changes will be something unique, so do not be sad if you may not be in the first wave, but see the chance to grow in these turbulent times - you will be definitely in the second wave when several billion people will, hopefully, ascend. This is the goal.
See that you progress with your LBP as this is your inner portal of Ascension. The other portals are always there and there will be always one for you when you have built your inner portal in the course of the LBP, which is cleansing of old dross in the first place.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Now the hard part. I am laughing but it's pitiful, not funny. I am the mother of three - ages 44, 40, and 21. When we ascend does this mean our bodies will disappear? If so… the kids can't come up with the required death certificate to claim my life insurance. Better I surrender the policies now and attempt to get cash?
Oh my god, : )
Dear Marylin,
You will not see your money either way as the system will crash at the latest at 11.11.11. So why bother.
October 25, 2011
Hi Georgi and All Here:
Just wanted to let you know that in a recent dream I received the knowledge of my role on 11-11-11. I dreamed I was on the "bridge" of a small ship, like a large tugboat, with others. We were piloting Gaia into her berth in 5D. We all knew exactly what we needed to do, so even though on 3D I really have no idea how to berth a ship, I have confidence I will know as soon as I am board the tugboat.
I am asked to tell the PAT team who will be part of the berthing of Gaia (birthing) that we will be riding on seas of liquid rainbow gold and that we are to leave all 3D "life jackets" behind! That is my guides' wonderful humour, and my inner child is absolutely jumping with excitement and joy so that I'm having a hard time staying grounded.
Thank you, Georgi, and All Here for being part of the PAT and I'd also like to thank DIVSY who I do believe I'll see on board the Good Ship Gaia 5D. Remember to smile, especially on November 9th when the PTB attempts to add to their now almost-empty fear vessel.
I am now going to take some "shore leave" to enjoy all the best of my little location in this time-line of 3D Earth and get ready for duty. Navigator B. at your service!
October 25, 2011
Dear George.
I don't know why, but I can feel a lot of nervousness in the air as we are approaching 11.11.11. Although many mails to you are uplifting, I can just FEEL it. Many people are beginning to have doubts about ascension in November and are worrying if they will make it now.They must remember that doubts are sisters of fear. Every doubt is based on fear,and fear is like an anchor keeping us here in 3D. Many are planning the future JUST IN CASE!,saying at the same time that they have no doubts about their ascension. Planning the future here on this Earth is doubting!
Some are also confused by Arcturians' message about releasing all ties with this reality. Someone even mentioned breaking the contact with a boy friend. I don't think, they meant this. We must release everything from our past, but in present we must be very careful not to hurt anyone. People who love us will be hurt if we leave them and I don't think the Arcturians meant that. On the contrary, I think we need people who love us more than ever, otherwise their pain will be like a rope keeping us here.
When a river is nearing the ocean, it is very wide and calm. There is no more danger of hitting a rock or being drawn down by a whirl, so we can just relax and go with the flow. But we must be very careful! The slightest move,apparently without effort,can stop us or even make us go in opposite direction and we will not even notice it at first. The time is too short now to make mistakes,so complete surrender to Higher Self and letting go our ego is the only way,I guess.
These are just few of my thoughts that I felt I just have to share with someone.
October 25, 2011
Dear Raphael,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, but this was actually a dialogue with your soul and I do not wish to intervene and disturb this dialogue. But it was a very honest and open one and this is the way how to ascend. Leave your doubts now and think only about ascension and everything will be well. You said yourself that there is no other alternative. This is the best point of departure when you have only one alternative and it is the best one.
In love and light
October 25, 2011
Dear Georgi
I have been reviewing your material on and off for a number of weeks now and the information that you present resonates with me very strongly. I have said the same to Susan Carol, whose channelled information has also struck accordance to the information that I have personally received previously to finding your website.
I have been experiencing different dimensions from the age of 7 or 8 when I had numerous "feverish hallucinations", I then became incredibly interested in lucid dreaming and the astral plane, and by the age of 17 I had read numerous books on lucid dreaming, hypnotism, neuro-linguistic programming and psychology, reading mostly into Freud and Jung. My interests in life, as well as the intrinsic quality of my soul to question my reality throughout my early years of development.
This culminated in what is medically described as a "psychotic episode", personally described as an incredibly inspiring shift of perception which manifested itself over a 4 or 5 year period and culminated last September, aided strongly by extra dimensional entities. I laughed the first time I read your symptoms of the "light body process" which is almost exactly what has been happening over the last 5 or 6 years (The enlargement of the heart chakra gland was incredibly painful). I have been practising a number of what I can only describe as shamanistic practices, where I have called on a number of spirits and have had numerous experiences in the 4th and 5th dimensions, mostly due to smoking 50x extract of salvia divonorum.
I also know what is in my soul contract, and I know that I am meant to stay until 2012, and help humanity on their ascension, and I have made communication with Gaia and assured her that I will offer my assistance in the process.
I would like to say that I really appreciate your work, but you must not let other people's opinions effect your auric envelope as this will only prevent assistance from extra dimensional entities as they can detect the aura very clearly and will only give information that is relevant at the time. I have also realised, whilst living purely on my intuitions that these entities are unimaginably more intelligent than ourselves, and are willing to tell white lies to prolong the evolution of that individual's consciousness.
Please get back to me and let me know what you think, as I have a lot to discuss.
October 25, 2011
Dear Georgi,
Like you, Keri's story was deeply felt at multiple levels.... With this, and in reading other PAT stories, it might be advantageous to remind everyone of something you shared with us not too long ago. By firmly and with all sincerity, stating in a loud voice "all dark entities, leave immediately my energy field, and that of Gaia/earth, and disappear beyond this Galaxy", I have found an almost immediate release of energetic crap that was never really conscious of before. It was a wonderful feeling of lightness/clarity and found it useful to repeat the process over several days.
Like Keri's soul-sister, I had lived in Sedona for several years at one time, and can attest to the abundance of esoteric vanity fair in especially this area. And my sense is that along with this environment (whether directly or Internet), the dark will dwell. So just as we use anti-virus programs and clean-up utilities for our computers to keep them clean and functioning properly, repeating this affirmation/statement periodically, that you have shared with us, may be prudent. Especially given the profound "Light" nature of the work to be done, and the reports of potential sabotage.
There are a couple other questions you can hopefully clarify... Given that the PAT participants are Global, have we had any respondents from Eastern countries such as Japan, China, India, or say Indonesia? You have provided some wonderful insights and reintroduced Western philosophical perspectives for us, but is that inclusive or exclusive of Eastern philosophical perspectives? Or should we care from a Oneness / Unity / Equality perspective?
Also, a fellow German country man, Eckhart Tolle, has made a favorable impression here in North America in relation to common egoist attachments, fixations, and illusions. Are you familiar with his work and can you provide your perspective?
Thank you again for your presence and the wonderful work demonstrated by yourself, Sue, and all the Pat members. It has been, and continues to be an Honor and a Privilege to witness and participate in this Sacred event.
In Love, Always, All Ways,
Dear Shravaka,
Thank your very much for your substantial email and the many questions you raise. You are absolutely right that this technique of light protection should be repeated as often as one feels endangered, although the power of the dark ones is dwindling by the hour. Many are doing it. I will post your email so that others will also take care.
Your observation on Sedona makes sense to me.
I had few emails from India, Japan and Korea, but not from China. An American of a Chinese origin wrote to me recently that he ís translating some of my publications for his Chinese countrymen, but that his first website was closed and now he has opened a second one. Obviously, it is not very easy to penetrate this huge country.
In the German volume IV from the Tetralogy of Science I write in the preface that I am a cultural product of Western civilisation and I can argue only from this point of view. I also apologize to my readers for my ignorance on Eastern philosophic and Gnostic teachings, although I am fully aware that many of them exceed their Western counterparts.
But I am still a limited human being, and when we will all ascend, it will be a great pleasure to discover our multidimensional aspects from previous incarnations, many of which must have been in Asia.
In love and light
October 25, 2011
Dear AM Georgi,
Truly amazing how you play this galactic game of Ascension en mass... I found truly inspiring your site, your articles and especially your book about Ascension and financial crash and Universal Laws...
Feel tremendously happy reading your responses to Steve and many other doubtful and afraid 'New Age'ers' who are still only scratching the surface of this true New Earth Birth....
As you responded to Steve Beckow with full heart and open invitation simply to open his heart just a bit more, and to face his own demons [like you did yours, or me mine, or many on PAT are doing per your example...], rather than dwell in doubts and accusations... He has to realize that you did as one of True Masters here on 3D Earth, major favor to him and many other followers and readers of his posts...
You played directly on their vanity of being 'New Age gurus and teachers', and you played it well... I feel that you have not a single doubt that this approach will work... As I see it is already working... Colors are amazing from your energies... wow...
Even Steve answered you very dry and uninspired words... He is 'doubting', so loud that I can hear him all the way here in Greece... "AM I right one to do this 'job'?... Teaching something what I do not feel in me fully yet?... and AM I right one to refuse direct help from genuine soul who even dare to call him self Ascended Master?... What to do?... How to see is this true?...."
And one of direct comments about Steve's letter to you: [quote from Steve's letter: "... No ascended master would behave in the manner you're doing...."
Beloved Steve: This is the ONLY way Ascended Master would react... This it the only way how AM points darkness in us, and only thing you can do: do not take this personal, do not have any assumptions, take it as loving and brotherly suggestion, take it as most genuine 'warning' for what is coming... take it as only way True Ascended Master talks and acts....
Ascended Master Georgi knows, till you clean and cleanse your in-ner Garden you will not able to share truth about Ascension without confusing self and many others...
Dear Steve, give it a try: see all these comments as only way how Older Brother can talk to younger Brother... Once when you realize that this is only a game, you will take it with a lot of humor and joy... realizing that AM Georgi came to you, to give you this lesson... And if you are not worthy, do you think that He would be there?... for you and for many of your readers and followers... He is only pushing you to become true leader, true Master of your own life, who can discern inner truth from outer deception... He is here for you...
And Dear Steve, if you do not want to do for self awareness, do it first for awareness of Others, as many others starting to recognize leader in YOU... Where the only one who still have to recognize this, is YOU...'
Dear AM Georgi, I AM truly honored that you are doing your contract so diligently and with so much awareness and through personal example and patience, where only Single Ascended Master with this attitude can bring major shift in global consciousness and collective awareness...
I am reading your The Cosmic Laws book filled with discoveries and General Theory explanations... and they resonate so true to me, even I am rereading them again and again, as my 3D mind cannot fully comprehend full message and simplicity of our Creation...
Only True Ascended Master is able and brave enough to state that He is a Master here on 3D earth, and I admire your courage and transparency...
Be well, and continue be patient as all these years of knowing... Be kind and do not back out of your true path, even If you find 'resistance' from quasi-scientists and quasi-newagers... Know that all is Divinely planned, Godly written, and immensely elaborated on higher dimensions where there is no room for ego, arrogance, doubts and selfishness...
So, if we simply relax, give all our faith in His hand, and take our life in our own hands, knowing that All is well, that all is Perfect... No 'delays' can throw us from our path to Ascension.... We go with a smile...
Thank you for creating this 'drama' play, where we all play simple characters in this Galactic Production of Ascended Earth with most of Humanity...
With Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag
Dear Predrag,
Thank you very much for your very kind letter and your lucid comments on the petty dramas that I plotted on the stage of the current esoteric Vanity Fair, however with modest success with respect to the main protagonists, but with some more success with respect to many observers. The funny thing is that one should expect that the Americans are well trimmed by the Hollywood dream factory to such dramas, but obviously not in their real life. There is a clear-cut line between dreaming and reality on the NA-Continent. We from the Balkan are dreaming all the time. Hence the perennial mess we create in this part of the Old Continent.
You are telling me that you are writing from Greece, but you have a Serbian name. Can you give me some more information on your bio? I am actually a Macedonian and my family comes from North Greece, Thessaloniki.
When will Greece officially default? I have a premonition that the world financial collapse will begin from Greece for historic reasons. But maybe the time will not be sufficient for the crisis to unfold and all will crash in toto after 11.11.11. This is the least dramatic alternative in terms of an unfolding Greek drama, but a sudden shock for humanity. We will wait and see.
Why don't you send this letter to Steve. He is exhibiting a great portion of sado-masochistic exhibitionism and he may publish it on his website. Steve, the Anonymous munch, is addicted to the public stage, no matter how painful.
I am happy that you like my website, but now the time is coming to wrap it up and move to the next level. Tell the Greeks that they should oust this corrupt government and introduce the true Athene democracy as in the Antique and freeze all debt payments until they get all their historic treasures back from the Western museums. A fair deal!
In love and light
October 25, 2011
Dear Callista,
I am 29 years old. I have always felt like questioning authority and renouncing the broken systems on Earth. Until recently I thought I was upside down and the world was right side up. I was asleep and unhappy most of my life. In March of this year I began to question politics, science, society, religion, then my understanding of the universe and I developed not only a passion but also a compass for the Truth.
I opened my mind to all possibilities and learned the Truth of Earth and the universe. I believe my higher self has guided me. I realized on a technical level that fear and prejudice were preventing my ability to perceive a clear picture of reality. I removed all fear and have forgiven the events of the past. I have almost no further attachment to this world. There still remains loyalty.
I understand the value of meditation on an intellectual level, but my spiritual side has always been lagging behind. I have not had what I would consider success. However, I trust that I am "doing" a lot more than I realize in the astral realm and I still feel that I am part of the PAT because all of this resonates so strongly in me. I can't think of any other explanation for that. I have a strong love for everything, which I developed mainly from an intellectual understanding; at least from my perspective. I have no memory recall from dreams.
I am so grateful to have found George, Sue, and yourself. Never before have any people made so much sense to me. I do have one request: if you would be so kind as to describe my portal to me then I would be greatly appreciative.
Dear Matthew
When I read your email I sense that you are disappointed in your life and I want to encourage you to believe more in yourself. You are a Sovereign Being and you have accomplished much in your lifetime and the accomplishments are sure to continue. The very fact that you resonate with this website is an indication that you are in tune with the times.
I very rarely have memory recall from dreams, but if I desire to remember my dreams, I ask my Soul to help me recall them – and this usually works. My information usually comes from lucid dreaming which happens when I am in a half asleep state.
Your portal is opaque crystalline and it is an orange colour – but a lovely soft orange which has pink
flowing through also. It looks like an ice palace, but it feels warm and comforting.
Kindest regards from Callista
October 26, 2011
There are two souls who are incarnate now that I have a strong connection with. I understand that they will not make the first wave. I also understand I will assist them from 5D (amongst others, but these two are for sure).
One is an old soul connection. They would not be consciously aware of the things discussed here on your site and yet I understand they are just lacking some information. I'm told that the new developments in 4D will be enough to ensure they make the second wave as they are intuitive and learn fast. And my assistance from 5D will just move their awareness along faster and give them deeper understanding. I have communicated with this soul telepathically for years now. We have met on a mundane level, but don't really know each other at that level. It was looking like we might get to know each other on the physical plane and yet that has not happened. In 5D it will be like a reunion between old friends.
The other soul, I do know on a mundane level. Since I met them years ago, it was obvious that they were very close to a real understanding of what was necessary for ascension and yet are rather addicted to 3D in ways that are keeping them from moving forward. And yet, their life has been putting the pressure on them lately with challenges. I understand they are an old soul and yet we have not worked together before. Right from the start it was obvious we had an energy connection between us. It is love of an unconditional nature. We both acknowledge it. We've had falling outs and they have been very challenging at times and no matter what, this love between us is undeniable. Even when they have not been in my life I can feel it. Even though in conventional ways they would be considered someone who was difficult to love, there is a natural love there. This soul is not in my life right now and yet in these last couple weeks, I think due to my own stronger connections with 5D, I am able to also communicate with them telepathically. It's unbelievably strong. Since this is a "new-soul" connection, it really feels like a great symbol of the New Earth experience.
Years ago I read sci-fi books by Orson Scott Card. He spoke of a communication device that provided instantaneous communication anywhere, distance did not matter. What allowed for this was what was called "the philotic ray." As I'm sure you well know, "philos" is Greek for love. (So "philosophy" is philos-sofia, the love of wisdom.) So, this instantaneous communication rode the omnipresent energy of love.
Years later, I heard that the military was working on such things, using lovers to communicate instant messages across the globe. This was told by someone who had also participated in the military's remote viewing efforts.
I feel that this is what I am experiencing with these two souls. The soul that I had the "older" connection with developed over time and there is certainly love there. This "new-soul" connection just snapped in suddenly (like so many other things that are moving along so quickly now). But I know that this communication connection is able to work because of the undeniable unconditional love between us.
October 26, 2011
Dear George
Thank you very much for posting the Cosmic Awareness report on the website. It is a timely reminder and a timely verification of our task here on this planet in these challenging times. It is encouraging that we have a community here in PAT, where we can discuss those things that are unable to be discussed elsewhere because, as Cosmic Awareness so clearly points out, not everyone is resonating with the Ascension energy.
Since I have started contributing to your website, I have grown in my own understanding. I believe this is because I allowed myself to fully accept the feelings and beliefs that my Soul was telling me. Once I accepted those beliefs, I was then able to "see" portals and I was given the wisdom to be able to help those members of PAT who were unsure, as I once was.
I encourage everyone in PAT to step out boldly as Sovereign Beings and stand firm in the conviction of their Soul.
Dear Callista,
Thank you for this valuable contribution as usual.
Tonight I had my last Ascension rehearsal. I woke up with a pain in my pharynx due to a huge energy hub and I had to cough. The energy hub augmented and I was practically turned around from my right side to my left side as I was lying in my bed. At the same time, I heard very loudly: "That is how you will go through the portal - you turn from right to left and you are already in the 5th dimension."
It was as simple as that. And I was fully awake when this happen. As usually after such an energy hub my whole body is glowing and I had to go at 3.00 am to the bathroom and have a shower with cold water to cool down the heat in my body. During the hub when I was turned like a sausage on a grill from one side to the other, I was almost certain that my body is about to disintegrate. But this is not unfamiliar to me - I have experienced this already on several occasions in the past.
My dear friends, there is no doubt - Ascension is knocking on the door and I will not be at all surprised if you also experience similar events in the next days.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear George
Here is Steve Beckow's latest - do I detect a change of heart?
Dear Callista,
Definitely! Steve is learning with giant steps and this fact confirms my inherent optimism that every human being is capable of progressing in his thinking when the right moment has come and he has received the necessary hub from the soul.
I recommend all my readers to read this latest article by Steve Beckow to witness the birth of a new leader.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Recommendation by Soren M.
Jeshua Speaks About Preparation for the Shift
October 26, 2011
Dear Georgi
first thank you very much for all what you are doing. I resonate with your work 100 % ....and I consider myself a member of the PAT. Now to the question - there is a book which is now very popular on Amazon by Jean-Pierre Garnier-Malet, French physicist, Ph.D. in Mechanics of Fluids:
"Change your Future through Time Openings"
Time Openings allow constant information exchanges between Past, Present and Future. They give us ... our Future BEFORE we live it
I am reading his book on the Doubling Theory and I can't believe it!! He is talking about us with so much fear. Here is part of his attack:
"False prophets... soon, In front of your very eyes, immortal creatures my begin to materialize. Some people will think - mistakenly - that these creatures are doing what Jesus did, when he was with the apostles, BUT this is not the case: the creatures are not connected to the creator, but to their double, living in forbidding futures. they are foretold for the end of time, AND THEY WILL HAVE EXTRAORDINARY POWER .."
So i just want to now if you have any idea concerning this theory (Doubling Theory). By the way the book is full of warning and fear ....
in love and peace
Dear Guessas,
The falsification machinery of the dark hats has been set in motion - they know what is awaiting them. The Hollywood film "Immortals" and other manipulations etc. But please, see also the positive sign in all this - contrary to some Ascension candidates, who still have some doubts, the secret services of the dark ones know with 100% certainty that there will be ascension soon and are spending a lot of money to produce such books, full of hatred and fraud. What better proof that we are all ascending?
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear George
Thank you for sending me Wilfred's email. He is a very wise man and does not have shortcomings of any knowledge it seems.
I have a question, what should I be doing to prepare for this ascension? I have noticed that I have a huge appetite, does this go hand in hand with ascension? I only started reading your material last week and it has awakened me on a level that is absolutely mind altering. For the first time I am truly happy and I can accept myself as I am. Does the fact that I am not actively creating portals dismiss me as a PAT member? I have this sudden mindset of love for everything and I can see the oneness in all beings and feel love towards all you, could say an unconditional love, even towards my employer although at one time I wanted to hang him by his big toe. I know that he has a higher self and is only playing out his role on earth.
What should I do to play my part in the ascension?
Thank you very much for all your hard work and dedication.
Dear Adriaan,
I am glad that you have established contact with Wilfred. He is very advanced in his LBP and one can learn a lot from him. If you have read my elaborations, you will learn that the PAT members are the small group of people who will open the portals for the larger group of first ascension candidates to ascend at 11,11.11. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a portal to ascend.
Appetite is an aspect of the LBP and you should eat everything your body demands. That is what I am doing. No matter if you gain some weight. Eat all kinds of nuts - peanuts, chestnuts.They are very helpful for the nervous system that takes the breakers of the LBP first.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear George,
Just thought I'd get your thoughts on a Dorris Connoly who just did a special on One, our past lives, Metaphysics and UFOs, I've never heard anything on a radio station in Perth 88.2 6pr to me would never put a thing like that on main stream media and just wondering if you have any thoughts on it?
Dear Mark,
I have not heard this news and I do not know Dorris Connoly, but I do expect for some time that the controlled mass media will begin to release the truth in homeopathic portions. In fact they are too late in my opinion and will be soon swept away by the tsunami of the coming events,
October 26, 2011
Dear Zacharias,
This is very important information and I will publish it so that the other readers can also profit from it. Indeed, I am also aware of the fact that it is not only earth that is ascending, but that there is a global shift in the whole galaxy and beyond it with respect to the equilibrium between light and darkness and why so much is at stake in the current End Times.
Thank you for this valuable input.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Dear Ishvar,
my webmaster is my son-in-law and he is a student and is doing this job for me on idealistic grounds and I have already bad consciousness for stealing too much time from his study of engineering at the Technical University in Munich.
We are running this website on minimal costs as I cannot afford to hire a professional webmaster.
The second argument is that this website was not intended to be a blog, but an archive and a library. It became now de facto a kind of a blog due to your valuable contributions to the Ascension Report, but this website was always intended to be short lived.
As I said, let us be surprised after the shift when new advanced technologies will be available and Internet may cease to exist. But even if it does not happen, you can establish your own blog and I will announce it on my website as long as I am here, so that my readers can participate in it.
In love and light
October 26, 2011
Ascending and Descending Clarification
St. Germain, channelled by Aruna, October 25, 2011
When the ascension candidates ascend they will be able to change the content of light they contain at any moment. It is this light frequency that will make them disappear, due to their new level of light containment. Most of those who will not be ascending are already more dense, so when the light frequency of those ascending is elevated they will appear to be invisible to these observers.
When I dictated Master Messages, Vol. III there were three waves of ascension planned. When the gateway opened in 2009, many did ascend and then they descended to continue helping others prepare for ascension. Never before have so many ascended masters been living in your neighborhoods because they did not disappear as they normally would have.
The next ascension wave is actually the second one, and not ascending is the only choice available other than disappearing. There will be no descending this time.
No "shoulds" apply when it comes to ascension. Those capable will choose it or not. Once the choice is final they will disappear or not. The choice to ascend or not is God's domain and can only be delivered by God. Ego may appear to be choosing, but God's decree is the only decider. When choice is an option, no candidate who decides from their own channeling or hearing the call will be left behind. "No choice" only means that God's will must choose. Are ascension candidates going to be making this decision from their minds? No, only those who live with "divine will not mine" will be ready to ascend.
More and more candidates are able to ascend now. What has occurred lately is the opening of a magnetic field that is causing a major change in human consciousness. It is dramatizing all differences. No more dark and light games will be deciding the future. From now on, only the increase of light will decree how things will unfold. As the mass consciousness contains all points of view, the ascension candidates who do disappear are to need their contribution replaced. Many of those who leave will be able to become aids to those who can receive and decipher their messages because they are clear channels.
Those who will disappear are to remain intact for awhile, as their auras will give off a radiance until the body dissolves.
On this, the second wave, no descending will occur, only ascending. Not agreeing to ascend when called is not going to disqualify anyone from the 3rd and last wave. When that one comes, only those left behind may be "changing into a different dimensional existence," meaning they can only continue their co-creation in human lives IF accepted by another galactic community. There will be no group delivery to another galaxy, only single applicants can apply. When we composed these original messages there was the anticipation of a Galactic Federation rescue. Since none of the planets that originally agreed to an occupation are now willing to accept one, no other plan can be created until more consciousness appears on Gaia....
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna