Dear Melody,
FatherMotherGod talked about separation of worlds, as it just start happening, fully and irrevocably.... Their physical situation is simple outcome of this separation....
When you realize what you wish to yourself by not giving even kind thought toward these Two gentle and most kind souls here on Earth, you will find quite fully separated from FatherMotherGod and continue to exist in the world where there is no kindness, not service to other and you will end up in the world with no compassion..... It is all given as you ask for....
Thank you for this opportunity to answer, and your display of pure selfishness.... It is yours, and you have to deal with this...
FatherMotherGod are here with US, no matter on your personal donations or good thoughts.....
They are here to JUST BE, and to be an example of giving it all to others, what ever we ask.... They were doing it so heartfully for full last three years, they were giving lessons of patience and forgiveness, in the midst of darkness and ignorance....
They simply smile in the face of darkness, knowing that we are all One, but at the same time knowing that some will need additional long lessons from souls with similar low conciseness on some other world.... [and I am talking truly long lessons in this linear 3d/2d space-time....]
FahterMotherGod are here, you accepted it or not, you want to admit it or not.... For US who fully know this, who fully feel this is as real as Ascension that is in front of US, These souls will and are awaken and ready for what is coming.... As These souls will take it all is perfect, is it the breaking news, earthquakes, sea at your doorsteps, lost job, lost house, or simply angry spouse or friend....
There is nothing wrong asking for donations or help.... You have to feel the lesson here: If you do not ask you will not receive.... But if you doubt, and you accuse others for situation you end up in, you will receive all this asked: more doubts, more fear, more control from others, like governments or banksters, and you will wait, like a sheep to tell you what to do, where to go....
FatherMotherGOD are giving US the most crucial lesson and example how everyone has to take full responsibility in their own hands, in their own heart, and without accusation, search for the path of truth.....
Where, your truth is not my truth, especialy if you doubt in FatherMotherGod, and so easily you dismiss this great opportunity to give to others.... [here I do not refer to give money, by I refer to share Love, Caring, Compassion, service to others]...
So, remember this one, please in these turbulent and most beautiful times: what you give to others, You receive in abundance.... Only what you have in your heart you can give to others..... [Can you stuff some money in you heart?.... or maybe can you stuff your heart with gold or cars?...] These are all rhetorical questions, and they do not need answer.... You already gave yours.....
Please, start giving Compassion and Love to others, as you will need these two little energies the most in the time which is immediately in front of US, and for some they are already in the midst of IT....
Send Compassion and Love only, please.... For your own sake, I am pleading you.... Think about others first, as this thought will bring you most beautiful gifts and solutions in these end times of materialistic world that we are in....
With Love and nothing else.... Predrag
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