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September is the month of Birth on numerous levels, bringing deep, far reaching changes on both internal and external levels. This is the month when the door opens to our New True Lives. For some, it represents a total rebirth.

The Green Lights to our New True Lives are finally on, and once we firmly set our coordinates to Trueness, numerous elements click into position. Many unexpected, wondrous new opportunities are presented to us throughout the month. There is an almost instantaneous manifestation of what we want and need. Things happen easily and correctly.

We enter a totally New Landscape with brand new eyes and a fresh outlook. Surprising connections come to us without our having to look for them. More of the New Navigation is revealed and it is absolutely brilliant. It is teaching us how to live and function in a constantly shifting reality.

Part of the New Navigation is the discovery that we no longer need to search for what we most want or need. Instead, if we stand in the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE as a True One, it will always come to us. Letting go of the search aspect of our lives is a great relief. We don't have to look for anything; we don't have to gather any more knowledge; we don't have to carry unrequited desires with us. The waiting period is over. We can finally relax and settle into the knowingness of a True One that we are always in RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE.

Many aspects of our lives appear completely different as we look at life with fresh new eyes. It feels like we have removed a pair of dirty glasses and suddenly we can SEE what is really there. SEEING THE UNSEEN is seeing what is already here that we didn't see before. This SEEING THE UNSEEN is moving us to a greatly expanded new level. The more we SEE THE UNSEEN, the deeper the Ultra Greater Reality permeates our present moment. When this occurs, the veils dissolve and we discover more layers of what is really here in the Expanded HERE and NOW. SEEING THE UNSEEN occurs when we are firmly anchored in the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. When we SEE THE UNSEEN, it adds brilliant colors to our monochromatic old lives. Our New Landscape is filled with new details, information, elements, people, events, heightened perceptions and deeper understandings, that we didn't have before. It makes the present moment much fuller and infinitely more meaningful.

In September, we will begin implementing these vastly expanded new perceptions into our everyday lives. And this will dramatically change everything we feel and experience! It will bring us experiences that are outside of our previous expectations, that fill us with a sense of wonder and deep gratitude. And amazingly, it will all feel extremely natural. The time for learning and observing has long since ended -- now is the time for ACTION. It's time to use everything we have learned to go out into the world as a True One and make our presence felt.

In September, many of us will have the sense that we have fully landed as a True One. This is because more components of being a True One are here. We're not just emerging as True Ones, but we are integrating this enhanced state of Trueness into all aspects of our lives. This changes the old story we've been acting out in our old evolutionary labyrinth and we now begin a totally new book on a new evolutionary labyrinth that is off the map of the Known. It's time for our new story to flow out of us and into the world.

While September opens the door to build the life we truly desire, we need to remember that our New True Lives are not always what we expected, but they are what we truly need on a very deep level. Life is becoming more a response than a reaction. We will let go of our expectations and just ride the waves of this Mega Quantum Surf with our natural mastery. We can take off into our New True Lives. We can finally do what's been in the back of our minds and within our hearts for months or years, that we know we really want, but have been afraid to do because it isn't "practical" or despite whatever fear-based excuse has been holding us back.

September brings different experiences to different people. If you're still coming from a position of fear or old-world duality, then the release might not come yet and there's still work to do. If you're coming from the perspective of being a True One, then September is going to be a month of momentous change when everything will open up before us and click into position with a beautiful ease.

Now that the Tenth Gate energies have been anchored, many of us will finally come out of our shells, dissolving what remains to hinder us from living as True Ones. The fog that surrounded us clears. Some will be more solidly anchored in their new chosen places. September brings us that wonderful feeling of completion of the past while emerging into a brilliant New Landscape as True, Authentic Beings.

Solara's complete SEPTEMBER 2011 Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be!
All material copyrighted 1989 -2011 by Solara. All Rights Reserved.
