Opening a Gateway Light activation/meditation

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Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Here is my Light activation/meditation on Opening a Gateway. Yesterday I did it myself, while I was sitting outside. After it, I saw three white Light ships. It was a very deep and profound experience. We each have the ability to strengthen our personal Vortex, and through that, we can even open up gateways, if we are so guided of course. Usually gatekeepers operate with this kind of energy work, while the pillars radiate these higher frequencies out. But we need as many who can volunteer to open up the gateways to higher dimensional energies that are entering our planet. Also, we are being asked to focus on our personal Ascension, as there is no more time for non important things. Ascension is well under way, and those who are choosing to ascend, are being invited to enter these interdimensional energies deeper and continue to disperse them. It is all about selfless service to others!

Within Divine Love, Polona