By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebel
We have every reason to oppose a system designed to keep us from prospering.
We should rebel against the mental and spiritual enslavement forced onto us by people who assume they’re smarter and more entitled than the rest of humanity, and to be silent is to passively accept our own destruction.
There are a lot of things about the way the status quo is enforced that I want to communicate, but when I try, words don’t suffice.
It’s interesting that you can know something in your mind and heart yet struggle to communicate it, and words are limited when it comes to communicating deep insights.
How Is It Not Obvious?
I want so badly to tell people the world is being plundered by maniacs in power who’ve slowly conditioned the masses to never question (or even become aware of) their corporate reign.
I don’t see how it isn’t obvious, and yet, I struggle to find the right words to say about it and I could easily leave someone confused.
There’s so much to say that you may not feel like you can get it all out, and especially if you can’t find the words to say it, it can be difficult to help people become aware of something they’ve been conditioned to ridicule.

Question Your Life
I want people to see that everything around them has been carefully crafted to condition them to a limited existence.
I want to help them stop accepting what they see around them and ask themselves why the world is the way it is, because then, they can take the first steps to freedom.
I want them to realize the earth is being ravaged, and I want them to question the source of the chaos. Is it really the fault of the masses, or is there a hidden hand keeping the madness in place?
I want them to question every aspect of their life and the cultural framework that has successfully convinced everyone this is all normal.
Just how did our oil get under their sand?
And how did our homes get onto their land?
And how did our foes get guns in their hands? – Flobots
Where does your food come from?
Why do you have to work to earn it when you need it to survive?
Why do you have to work to earn a roof over your head?
Why do we give our children away to an educational system that forces them to conform? Why is there so much hate in the world?
The questions could go on and on, and I want for people to think and ask for themselves. I also want to increase my own awareness by learning what I can, and I’ll happily share what I learn with those who are also passionate about change.
There may not be many at first, but the numbers will grow as more people feel comfortable expressing things they’ve always known but were too afraid to say.

Love, Not Violence
I choose to rebel against something that’s tried since day one to control me and make me into something I’m not, but it won’t be done with violence.
It’ll be done with love, and no matter how big the retaliation from those who fight to keep the system in place, I’ll keep moving with love in my heart and a smile on my face.
I’ll continue to invite a higher consciousness to permeate the works I give to the world in hopes that it has the most helpful effect possible on those who read it.
I’ll never give up the fight to raise awareness or help the world embrace love and compassion, because this is why I’m here.
This is why you’re here too, but you may not remember quite yet. One day, it’ll all become clear.
You can then set out on your mission and do your best to get through the adversity you’ll inevitably experience, and when you struggle, remember that you’re doing all of this in the first place to liberate humanity.
Information and Higher Vibrations
We’re no longer going to struggle in a society set up for us by billionaires who want to create a world for themselves. Instead, we’ll liberate humanity with information and higher vibrations in the form of art.
I find that information and art, when fused together, form a perfect tool to help wake people up.
The key is to feed the minds and souls of the masses, and when you find a way to do it, you can make a genuinely positive impact.
Whether for the purpose of sharing information or creativity, I plan to use the written word to help people see we’ve been tricked into accepting a way of life void of true physical or spiritual abundance.

Revolution of the Mind, Heart and Spirit
I hope you’ll join me in this revolution, because it’s just begun and we need as many wiling contributors as possible. It’s a revolution of the mind, heart and spirit, and it’s driven by everyone who’s fed up with the system and willing to do something.
There’s no telling what we could do if we came together to reject the broken system and create something new, but in order for this to happen, everyone would have to be dedicated to changing what no longer works.
I know a lot of people who are generally aware and can’t tolerate the system, but I only know a few people who are working to change or bring awareness to it.
Plenty of people hate the government and the billionaires that own it, but hardly anyone is willing to rise up and make an effort toward genuine change.
Even if it turns out to be hopeless, at least we’ll have tried.
Why Comply?
Why comply with a system you know is fundamentally flawed just because you think you have no choice?
Don’t accept the limitation imposed onto you. Instead, go out and use your voice.
Make a change (or raise awareness and encourage change), and at the end of the day, you’ll know you did your best to make a better world.

Plenty of people have proven change is possible by working hard and never giving up, and you can be one of them.
Even if it never happens in your lifetime, the change you strive for could be within our society’s reach if you dedicate yourself to fighting for it.
Then, people can look back on you as an example of what driven determination can achieve.
Inner Change Comes First
Most importantly (and perhaps most cliché), we have to change on a personal level before we can change the world.
My fellow spiritual seekers may be tired of hearing it by this point, but it remains a crucial component of the spiritual revolution one could write pages and pages about.
It’s also the most challenging aspect, and I don’t have it down yet.
I have yet to walk this earth free of anger, sadness, desire, etc., but I’m doing my best. Even the tiniest personal change will translate into something big in the world if you keep at it, which is why I recommend a blend of personal and social activism.
No matter how we go about it, we need more conscious activists on the front lines willing to strive for personal and societal change. Thankfully, we each have an inner spiritual power grid we can access in any moment and it only requires an open mind and heart.
Do the Work; Be Open to the Flow
When you’re open to the Source, it doesn’t matter how quickly your work flows or how quickly you change the world.
What matters is your consistent willingness to do the work, even when the work is to meditate, and be open to the flow that comes from a higher consciousness.
It may not always be steady, but it’s powerful nonetheless. With this power, we can bring down oppression with the pen instead of the sword and enhance our sense of freedom in the process.

We’ve always been free on a soul level, and it’s time to realign the physical with the spiritual by reclaiming our freedom in a world that convinces us to play small.
You aren’t some lowly human among billions of others. You’re a light in this world, and you can make a difference if you try. Always remember where you come from, and call on that power to be with you when you’re unsure of what to do next.
We can change the world, but we have to leave our comfort zone and apply ourselves.
We have to call out the orchestrated destruction we see in the world, and we have to hold those responsible accountable while working together toward a new way of life.
All it takes is dedication and the willingness to rebel in a way we know is necessary for the old paradigm of greed and hatred to crumble, and we can change a world that seems unchangeable.