Oracle Card Readings from the Angelic and Unicorn Realms: 11/16/13

Magikalspirit's picture

Welcome To Love



The Unicorns are telling us to take things one step at a time to make our dreams come true..

That practice, practice, practice  makes perfect, to be sure we are headed in the right direction it’s a full YES keep moving and we will reach our goals..


Angel Card Reading for the Highest Good of Humanity.

Celebrate! We are in momentous times. This is a light filled time in our lives. Fill your heart with gratitude!

Focus! Remember we are manifesting with lightening speed in these intense energies. Keep your thoughts high and positive. Think about what you want...not what you don't want.

Body Care!  In these changing times our bodies are undergoing rapid change, we are also experiencing many stresses as we release ego and move into the 5D energies. Remember to listen to your body and give it the nutrition, exercise, and rest that it needs.

Wishing you all much love and many happy miracles in your lives!

Earth Allies Magikal Spirit and Desert Gypsy

Tune into Soaring With Spirit on Fridays at 10 am PST at for individual readings.

Magical Unicorns & Healing With the Angels Oracle Card Decks by Doreen Virtue


