Oracle Report ~ Friday, June 29, 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Friday, June 29, 2012


First Quarter Moon Phase

Prepare for an energy bombardment today.  The Sun is unleashing M-class flares, one of which pummeled the Earth's atmosphere with x-ray radiation yesterday.  Today the Sun is in opposition to Pluto and both are squaring Uranus.  That's intense!  This is going to produce confusion today.  Grasping what is truly going is going to be challenging today.  Perceptions are not accurate.  It's like we are walking around in a mist.  So we could struggle today and easily become frustrated, or we could metaphorically slip into the mystic and walk through the day without expectation of having a good grip on things.  With these astrological aspects, we are accident-prone, people's emotions run toward the deep and dark, and things can shift rapidly.  Anytime Uranus is activated abrupt changes are possible.  When Pluto and the Sun are also involved, we have a potent mix.  Tread lightly, slow your pace, and immerse yourself in the fog instead oftrying to outrun it.




29 jun report

Fritz Indahouse's picture

I just read this.  Here in California the day is about 19 hours old so I'd say you nailed it!  On a quick personal note, as the day wore on, in spite of everything, was slipping into lower thinking, noticed, had AHA moment and read this post.  Whew!  Good job prognosticating :)