The Oracle Report Friday, May 24, 2013

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The Oracle Report

Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius

Ruling Mahavidya - Tara

The power of a coronal mass ejection of Wednesday's M-5 solar flare reaches Earth today and is the likely source of the earthquakes in Northern California and Russia (but we also can't forget that now that technology can affect tectonics, we know there may be manipulation or enhancement going on by forces aligned against the Earth and humanity).  This energy is rolling over the planet like the seafoam in this picture rolls over the starfish.  Since we are symbiotic with the planet, the energy is rolling over us, too.  So you may feel emotional waves (especially since the Moon is in Scorpio and then Sagittarius today - both of which carry emotional themes).  The key is to let them wash over you like this starfish. 

There is a lot of information encoded in this solar energy (light is information) and we are absorbing it.  We are able to absorb (learn, understand) more now due to the "upgrade" to our energetic fields in April. This takes us into new territory.  We see "Earth changes" today and "human changes."   The best idea today is to lighten up as much as possible.  Don't get stuck on anything.  Move your body and tell yourself that you move easily through changes.

