Oracle Report - Monday, September 3, 2012

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Monday, September 3, 2012


Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Aries

Today is the last day of the Full Blue Moon phase.  If you recall, Blue Moons take emotions to a whole new extreme.  In addition, we are in the process of a strong solar magnetic storm from a coronal mass eruption (CME) from last Friday.  So events that took place on Friday are re-experienced today as the wave of that energy fully impacts us.  Today centers on commitment.  Some are not quite ready to give themselves fully to a situation, but they really have no choice.  If they don't go along willingly, they will be pulled along.  It's time to take the plunge with something.  In the process of all of this, true motives, intentions, and identities come to light on this last day of the Full Blue Moon.  Understand that this theme is not relegated strictly to commitments within relationships.  This involves commitments to many types of things.  It's about people/us proving themselves/ourselves without excuses or pretense and breaking down walls that keep them/us from relating on deeper levels.  All of this would be entirely manageable if the position of Venus today wasn't such that brings heightened potential for arguments and feeling completely out of control.  And the CME definitely amps things up.  To assuage this, remember that things are in the process of re-forming.  This means that final forms are not set so there is no need to think the story ends today.  It doesn't.  The best thing to do is take the stance of witness and watch what happens as if you were watching an artist at work.  The goddess embodied as the planet is the artist in control of this.  The more we give over control, the easier this will be.

