Oracle Report ~ Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lia's picture

Oracle Report Third Moon Phase in Cancer: re-alignment, revision, re-orientation

Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi

I will post daily reports this weekend, instead of one post for both days. Things are happening quickly and wise owls are called upon to remain firmly grounded while simultaneously squeezing some joy out of life.

But the squeeze is also on us, with a strong wave of energy to throw us into depression, hopelessness, fear, doubt, and self-loathing. It’s easy to tip this way under current astrological aspects. There is much confusion being crafted to shroud events.

Today is Bhairavi’s final effort to fortify our hearts toward bravery and call up our inner hero. Let her do her work. Focus on re-aligning, revising, revisioning, and reorienting. This works best when we assume responsibility for our actions and then let it go.

The Sabian symbol for the position of the Sun today is “an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing.” It speaks to the power to project plans into the future. The Sun is amping up the power of our minds, so let’s focus on our highest desire.

(Note for astrologers: Forces opposed to the collective of humanity are pivoting off the Black Moon-Pluto energy with the Sun in trine to Pluto; the Sun sextile the Black Moon, Saturn, and the South Node; the Sun trine the North Node; and the Sun opposing Chiron. They are working with this current energy to empower their imprint from the Black Moon- Pluto opposition last Thursday. This is the energy they will use to further war.)
