Oracle Report - Saturday, September 15 - Sunday, September 16, 2012

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Saturday, September 15 - Sunday, September 16, 2012


New Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo

I've chosen this painting, The Virgin Mary, by Felicia Olin, which is on the cover of my book on the Black Moon, to emphasize the point of the upcoming month.  I am aware that most of the painting is cut off and shows only her mouth, but this is significant also.  This report may be a little much for some people to accept.  Over the upcoming month, Sophia, the goddess embodied as the planet, is going to speak to each of us - directly.  This means everyone on Earth.  Most, however, will not be tuned in to hear.  This is almost too much to comprehend right now.  It is a radical change from the past three months - which have been the set-up for this.  Can you fathom the magnitude of this?  Sophia is now in constant communication with her fellow gods in the Galactic Center.  They are all collaborating to help Sophia and her creation-experiment (us) succeed. 

So what is Sophia going to say to us?  Whatever we need to lift us up and into the upgraded frequency range that was inititated at the turning point in mid-July and whatever else we need to heal us (mainly of our core fear - the issues of our natal Black Moon).  We've been reeling since then, waiting for things to re-form and come into shape.  If you remember, I said things had already re-formed, we just hadn't adapted enough to integrate it or bring it into consciousness.  Some of us have integrated the upgrade to some degree and some of us are still in process.  This energy is going to resolve issues or problems that resulted from the turning point (if we aren't trying to avoid the real issue or holding on to the past).  Things always look different by the end of the lunar month, but this is especially true for this month because of all that has happened in the last couple of months.

There is one thing that we must do in order to be "tuned in" to hear: we must maintain the highest integrity.  Sophia communicates through the heart and an innocent and pure heart is what is required for the full benefit of this.  However, innocence and purity does not mean perfect.  The intention is what is meant here. One thing I want to make clear: in no way does this mean that we allow anyone or anything (darker energies) to move us off center because we mistakenly believe that type of action or defense isn't innocent.  You would not be reading or resonating with this site if there wasn't a part of you that recognized that there are other forces at work in the world.

Wise owls easily maneuver into defense and hunting when needed, but otherwise we are going to fold into a childlike heart full of imagination.  Sophia's imagination is beyond genius.  It's fun for her.  She likes to play.  So the lighter you can make yourself, the better your insightful communication will be.  We are going to work on holding ourselves to the highest standards this month so that we can get the full benefit of the upgrade.  I will be able to explain this more clearly as the month progresses.

I will tell you now that this is going to require effort.  Saturn is going to move into Scorpio on October 5th.  This is going to be a big day that ushers in a long transit, and we are going to need to watch events closely.  At the same time we are holding the highest of intentions, we will be banding together energetically in service of the planet.  The Illuminati (and all the other names you want to call those forces) worship Saturn, and Saturn's entry into Pluto's Domain of the Underworld (Scorpio) is going to be intense, aggressive, and restrictive - for lack of better words.  It's all about power and control.  Mars in Scorpio has been preparing the ground for Saturn in Scorpio.  The upgrade to our energy fields is exactly what is going to shield us from all of the hijinks and destructive alchemy of Saturn in Scorpio.  Enough said for now, but be aware because this is already in play.

Let's end this on the main theme: direct personal communication with Sophia to lift us up to the frequency that was enacted in July and resolve issues of the core fear. (Note: the Sabian symbol for the New Moon is Mary and her white lamb. Mary is Sophia and each of us is the white lamb)

