Oracle Report - Saturday, September 8 - September 9, 2012

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Saturday, September 8 - September 9, 2012


Saturday: Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini

Sunday: Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini/Cancer

Saturday brings catharsis.  Things that have been held inside will have trouble remaining that way because they are being forced out.  This could be in the form of anger, an explosion of ideas, or laying feelings out on the table.  It's important to let this happen because it cannot be resisted any longer.  But with this, we need to make sure the release is truly related to what we think it is.  Is it that situation or is it really another one?  Some will respond to this energy by throwing tantrums.  Sometimes a tantrum is exactly what is needed to clear the air.  With all of this, do not place emphasis on the way things appear on the outside.  It is what is inside that is important.  Don't get caught in a trap of insecurity based on images and appearances.

Sunday's energy has us seeking answers.  We are on a quest to learn or understand something, especially where the changes since the "turning point" and the subsequent month of reformation are leading.  This is the beginning of our understanding of what everything has been about.  It's going to take a while longer to see the new forms things are taking, but clarity begins to break through today.  We start to see how we are being guided and protected as things re-form.  Remember the Sabian symbol at the New Moon?  It was "after a dark storm, a rainbow."  Sunday begins the Third Quarter Moon phase - technically the last phase of the month.  The rainbow is on the way.  We should not expect things to be completely in place and concrete, but it is the beginning of that.  The energetic changes from mid-July took place at the deepest levels.  Manifestation of those changes in our lives will take a good bit of time.

As I mentioned on Friday, this is an especially strong time for communication with Mother Earth.  Signs and symbols in the form of nature will abound.


