Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, July 10, 2012

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Aries

You can feel the buildup of energy as we progress toward July 17th, which I am labeling as a turning point.  Things are becoming exceptionally complex.  This is in part due to one of the largest sunspots in years crackling on the Sun.  That particular energy is pressing on issues of commitment, one of the keywords today.  Levels of commitment are going to be a major factor (hinge) with the turning point.  So you may be getting an idea about how the powerhouse day ahead will affect you.  What are you committed to and what are you wavering with?  How committed are you to yourself? 

 Is there some part of you that is ready for a turning point - a breaking point or a chance to break away?  Today's photograph of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction with Alderbaran and the Pleiades was taken by Kosma Coronaios and posted on  I've chosen it to help us focus on the beauty that always surrounds us.  The dominant energy is toward action and is taking us into new territory, but we need to keep on course with the Earth.  The view of these lovely stars is possible from our vantage point on Earth.  So let's walk closely to the ground today and remember to take time for your ritual of opening up space inside yourself for an influx of spiritual frequencies on July 17th (see yesterday's post for more information).  Note:  Mercury will station retrograde on July 15 at 10:16 pm EDT. Mercury retrograde makes communications (electronic and interpersonal) challenging.  If there is something you need to convey, do it before then.

