Oracle Report - Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius

Today is 12-12-12 and although Gregorian dates have little to no spiritual value, they do carry power in the collective since it is our dominant measure of time.  There are, however, astrological aspects in effect that make this a super-natural day to break boundaries and venture into new realms of possibiliities.  Two big things that are happening today are Uranus stationing direct and Jupiter making exact conjunction with the Black Moon (the Moon will oppose this point at 9:24 am EST/ 2:24 pm UTC, so take extra caution around this time.)  Remember also that Uranus stationing direct can bring abrupt changes and calamities, so we want to pay special attention while doing things like driving or things that involve electricity or fire. 

In astrology, there are three bodies that defy boundaries and restriction: Jupiter, Uranus, and Eris (and by proxy for Eris, the Black Moon).  So when these bodies combine in the starry sky to form angles (harmonic resonances), we have a unique day that goes out of bounds.  People, places, and things will go out of bounds.  This can be good and bad.  Let's note the bad side that people will be operating from their shadow sides to an extreme degree (their personal fears showing out strongly), but let's note with emphasis the fabulous side that our minds are boundless!  The astrological angles form a "gateway in consciousness," enabling us to explore a new landscape for our lives.  It's a day to explore whatever you gained over the past lunar month's journey for self-knowledge and wisdom, taking those insights and glimmers into new arenas of potential.  What did you discover or rediscover about yourself?  Where can you take that wisdom now for expression in the world?  Jump through the gates of your mind and don't limit yourself in any way today.  There's no need to implement what you learn - just play around with it.  Balsamic Moon phases are not the time to initiate; they are the time to empower through the use of the creative mind.

Even if we didn't have the astrolgical aspects in play today, it would still be a day where a gate of consciousness would open with 12-12-12 because the "matrix" we live in operates on numerical (mathematical) codes - codes the Illuminati established with the Gregorian calendar.  I am not trying to be a buzzkill or dampen anyone's fun.  Anyone who has been reading these reports for a while knows that they center on finding joy and beauty (which is fun) everyday.  But we aren't blind.  We are wise owls.  We are awake.  We know that the minions of the Archons (the Illuminati) play in devilish ways.  Be aware.

Jump the gate of your mind and the limits you've placed on yourself.  There are no limits today.

(Who will be the 1,000th person to join the Oracle Report community that Andrew established on Facebook?  You are out there and you have something to share.  We are waiting for you.)

