The Other Side by Love Reporter Anne Grubb
2012 January 4
Posted by Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow
Anne made some very good points here and agreed that I could publish her email.
Hi Steve,
I believe I understand where you’re coming from in your “The Year 2012 is the Year of No Excuses” message. When one is called to serve a higher purpose, one puts aside the little ego doubts and moves forward. But I don’t agree that we should completely set aside our individual wants. What is the good of Ascension if my own personal happiness and — perhaps more to the point — my value as a unique individual goes by the wayside?
I mean, I consider myself, on the whole, an unselfish person. I raised two children to adulthood mostly as a single parent and so I am well familiar with setting aside my wants for a greater purpose (in this case, the well-being of my children). And I want to be part of something greater than myself and to work with others for the greater good. But I also honor my very human feelings of resistance, impatience, doubt… whatever comes up.
I think the trick is to honor and acknowledge those feelings without getting caught up in them or inflicting them on others, and I believe that’s what you’ve been talking about with the vasana process (which of necessity these days must be done in a rather quick and compressed way . But I cannot simply ignore or squelch my feelings and just soldier on stoically. To do so implies that I, the human being Anne, am less valuable than the whole–and that, I believe, contradicts the whole point of our Ascension into the higher dimensions.
Haven’t we been told for millenia that we are worthless, that our needs don’t matter? Isn’t that the old way of thinking imposed by our institutions, religions, the controllers? I don’t think we want to go back into that kind of thinking and attitude, which promotes the false notion of our individual worthlessness. Certainly I do not want to go back there, and I will not do so.
I also believe that each of us must honor our intuition when it tells us “no,” which for me typically manifests as unease or discomfort in regard to a person or situation. If I am uncomfortable about a request being made of me, that discomfort could be a vasana, or it could be a message from my higher self/intuition that I ought to pay attention to. I agree with you that the extraordinary, lightning-paced happenings of these times can and certainly are bringing up unconscious “vasana” responses in many.
Nevertheless, I find that I must trust my intuition to keep my balance as I navigate the chaos of events and communications. I cannot do something that is asked of me just for the sake of “the cause;” I can do it only in integrity–if my self truly resonates with this calling. That isn’t a vasana popping up; it is the only way I know how to steer through this chaotic world peacefully, in balance, and with honesty and compassion.
Thanks for listening.