Dear Beloved Ambassadors of Peace and Goodwill,
Over six months have passed since we crossed the threshold of the December 2012 alignments and many Planetary Light Servers are sitting with a bit of a question mark over our heads asking, "NOW WHAT?"
One thing we know with certainty is that we are no longer the person we were prior to the great shift. As we learn to express our mastery, we hold our continued focus on the need to ground Divine Presence into our daily life.
As we pierced through all the hype and ascension-based hysteria, we humorously realized it was all simply a matter of shifting our perception. All is within and has been within us the entire time. As a result of this perceptual shift, we now seem to find greater fulfillment in the simplicity of being, in witnessing the beauty of the One Life unfold. Is this what it means to anchor Heaven on Earth.. to co-create with nature and joyfully contemplate its continuing mystery?
After surviving years of the rigorous esoteric training camp, the time has come to literally put our boots on the ground and get physical! It is in this 'work' that our sincerest truths can now be found.
This new consciousness is centered upon JOY, CELEBRATION and FUN! We realize that life is still a game and one that we have been taking far too seriously. Now is our time to bathe in the collective experience of evolving toward the highest expression of who we really are; the manifestation of pure love.
With the launch of our new public interface, the Children of the Sun Foundation is expanding as a holistic resource center; offering many practical tools to help navigate this fast-paced techno-crazed world. There are courses, therapists and healing transmissions to assist all people into a life full of meaning and purposeful direction.
The Foundation now steps forward with strengthened focus; calling our transmission teams into action as we direct our attention to the many areas of conflict upon our planet.
We are calling all "boots on the ground" to participate in Children of the Sun's Global Peace and Goodwill Movement. We will soon be announcing our Global Peace Operations, the Peace Experiment and many new transmissions to assist in the alleviation of war and conflict from our planet. After all, this is our responsibility.
Are your boots polished?
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Newsletter