Trusting that all other things shall be added to us if we seek the Kingdom first is a challenging barrier to spiritual awakening. Feelings of lack and uncertainty bubble up. Our own true voice cries for this liberation but the cleverness of the personality drowns it. We need to feel just how attached we are to this personality and understand that it is not us. It is what separates us from the soul and creates doubt in the power of seeking the Kingdom first. Seeing this is a huge step in finding our own voice.
Attachment to the personality and its fear of lack silences the true voice. Seeking the Kingdom with all our hearts becomes less important. Dependence on something other than the soul for self-worth becomes almost unnoticeable. The source of our own true voice IS self-worth and it comes from the soul. Enmeshment with the personality makes it very easy to forget this. The enemy’s deceit manifests as lack of self-worth causing spiritual deadness by pulling attention away from the soul. Alertness is necessary as the personality uses many distractions.